October horoscopes: It’s going to be a bewitching month

There are 31 days in October and every single one of them has the potential to be the best day of the year. Read on to find out where you might have the most opportunities (or the most drama). Then get ready to make Halloween a thriller.
Come Halloween, you’re going to be the center of attention. Enjoy it. That will also be a good time to appreciate the friends who are there for you and want to be in your life. And for those who don’t? There’s no need to let them throw you off. Life is all about riding the waves as things—and people—come and go.
You’ve got that certain something. You know it and this month you use it. Venus is calling to you and you’re particularly magnetic, alluring, and seductive because of it. If that makes things too smoldering hot and intense, try being a little less pushy and a lot more playful. BTW, we predict you are going to own Halloween this year.
Prepare yourself. We see awesome rebellions, epic new adventures, and wild, wonderful changes coming your way. And you are going to have the luck and energy to enjoy it all. But while you’re out there invigorated and excited, be sensitive to others who are not sharing the same experience. That way you’ll inspire people instead of pissing them off.
Okay, Caps, who’s pissing you off? Friends? Coworkers? You might need to be patient if people around you are acting selfish or clingy. Fortunately, you have a lot of support behind you if you need it. FYI, the end of the month is going to be a great time to conquer a goal or project. We predict you’re going to feel unstoppable, so set your sights on something big and make it happen.
Hello, social butterfly. Even though you seem to want a lot of personal space right now, it looks like you’re going to enjoy socializing with charming people this month. You might even have the urge to merge, if you know what we mean. (And if you do merge, make sure you’re on top of your birth control.) If you feel eccentric and explorative around Halloween, please let your freak flag fly. Whoever is drawn to you then will be able to handle—and appreciate—all your flavors.
You might be extra expressive this month, Pi, and we love that about you. There’s so much depth to you. It’s inspiring. After the 26th, get ready for some serious erotic energy coming your way. Looks like you’re going to desire something steamy and very physical just as the nights start getting longer. Get ready to put your birth control to good use.
Feeling lucky? You will. This is an optimistic time for Aries, so consider starting something new because you’re going to feel like anything is possible. Will everyone support your efforts? Probably not, but there’s a lesson in that: Embrace your strength and know that you can do anything, even if it’s on your own.
Get your flirt on, Taurus. It looks like you’re going to crave some light-hearted, romantic experiences this month. A new love might enter the scene after the 23rd, just in time to dress up together for Halloween (and role play in the bedroom). Make the most of your frisky feelings before your mood turns more serious in November.
Feeling restless? Craving adventure? Your energy and curiosity are off the charts in October. This is a good time for playful, passionate sex. (Which also makes it a good time to upgrade your birth control.) But sex might not be enough of a physical outlet for you right now. Belly dancing, bhangra, or tango might be a fun and exotic activity for you.
Hey, if you feel like brooding, reflecting, or retreating to your comfy room this month, go ahead. We all need that sometimes. Just be sure you’re not shutting down or getting too obsessive. October is a good time to face your fears about relationships, work on being vulnerable, and open your heart.
Excitement! Thrills! Good fortune! Lots of amusement! You’re surrounded by it all in October. Say yes to weekend trips if you have the chance. You’re gonna have fun. Heads up: Some people might resent your good time. How lucky that you’ll be able to charm any haters and diffuse the tension.
You might yearn for emotional intensity or crave passion in early October. Try not to let it overwhelm you or crush your productivity. But even if you do find yourself challenged by your feelings and unfocused at work or school, know that the end of the month is going to bring a burst of fresh commitment to goals, ideas, and efforts.
Curious about your stars? Post a question and your birthdate, and we’ll look into it.
Happy World Contraception Day! While we bake a cake shaped like an IUD, you might want to read more about birth control around the world.
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