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articles tagged “flirting”

Boundaries & consent
How radical consent gave me back my sex life after trauma
This simple practice helped me date again

Better sex
Up your sexting game using only these emoji
15 emoji combos that say you're DTF

Better sex
Dirty talk mad libs: Laugh til you cry (or bone)
Or just learn your parts of speech finally

January extended horoscopes: Manifesting in 2019

Dating & hookups
Internet flirting 101: How to slide into the DMs

Pajarito to papaya: a cheeky guide to body parts in Spanish
Sometimes a shell is just a shell. And sometimes it’s a vagina.

Better sex
Do not disturb: 7 apps for better sex
Want to take your sex life to the next level? There’s an app for that.

Dating & hookups
Frisky Friday Top 5: Flirty emoji to charm someone’s pants off

Dating & hookups
Got a crush? Make your move

Better sex
Summer of love: How saying yes can heat things up
Your season of yes

Dating & hookups
The shy girl’s guide to breaking the ice

Look, but don’t touch: What if you’re in a relationship and attracted to someone else?

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
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