Cost & insurance
Displaying 97-104 of 104
articles tagged “cost & insurance”

Boundaries & consent
Phew! Free birth control doesn't lead to riskier sex
Turns out the ladies can keep it in their pants, even when given their choice of free birth control.

Birth control pill
Black market birth control? Let's go with no...
To state the obvious, buying counterfeit birth control can be bad news.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
The HPV vaccine won't make you wildly promiscuous
Just in case you were worried...

Birth control
The Obama Administration makes it official!
Birth control will officially be covered under health care reform.

Birth control
Breaking news: Plan B One-Step will stay right where it is
The popular form of EC will stay firmly behind the pharmacy counter.

Pregnancy & fertility
Minding the unplanned pregnancy gap
We knew that. New report reminds us unplanned pregnancy is a problem—and not just for teens.

Birth control
Full birth control coverage? Thanks, President Obama!
Rejoice! New health insurance plans will cover birth control copay free.

Birth control pill
Pill perfection: Choosing the right pill for you
Let us demystify all the latest pill options so you can find one that fits.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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