Cost & insurance
Displaying 85-96 of 104
articles tagged “cost & insurance”

Emergency contraception
Introducing ella: A new emergency contraceptive available in the U.S.
It’s here! You’ve got another choice when it comes to EC and it goes by the name ella.
FAQs - Birth control
I thought birth control was free with insurance—why am I still paying out-of-pocket for it?
FAQs - Emergency contraception
Plan B seems expensive for one use. Is there a cheaper version?

Withdrawal (pull out) method
Pull out all the stops: Doubling up with withdrawal
The oldest method of birth control is still going strong—and it plays well with others.

Health care
How to Get Birth Control Over the Counter
Grab birth control along with a gallon of milk and the latest gossip magazines.

Birth control
How to use barrier methods like a pro
They’re hormone-free, prevent sperm from meeting egg, and work best if you use ‘em right.

Activism & politics
Mail order birth control for a good cause
Sweet! You can order the pill or EC online and help another person get birth control at the same time.

Birth control
Getting birth control online
A few clicks and presto...birth control shipped right to your door.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
The HPV vaccine, new and improved
A new version of the Gardasil vaccine will protect against nine common strains of HPV.

Implant (Nexplanon)
Love your implant? Keep it for up to five years
Research shows the implant works for even longer than we thought—all you have to do is leave it in.

Internal condom
5 things you really should know about female condoms
They look kinda funny at first...but dual protection from STIs and pregnancy is worth a second glance.

Emergency contraception
Men and emergency contraception: The saga continues
The good news: Dudes are totally allowed to buy emergency contraception! The bad news: Some pharmacies still haven't gotten the memo.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
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