Cost & insurance
Displaying 37-48 of 104
articles tagged “cost & insurance”

Activism & politics
Save birth control access for millions of Americans!
Think everyone should be able to plan their family regardless of their income? Tell Congress now.

Birth control
Don't give up on the Health Insurance Marketplace!
Don't let glitches on stop you from getting coverage.

Birth control
Welcome to the Health Insurance Marketplace!
Get the details on health care coverage and the new Affordable Care Act marketplaces.

Birth control
Maryland takes birth control coverage to the next level
Come 2018, Maryland plans to be pretty much the best place ever for insured people who need contraception.

Birth control
3 reasons health insurance could rock your world
100% coverage of birth control is one great reason to check out the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Birth control
The girls' guide to getting some privacy on your parents' health insurance
Your insurance company may be better at protecting your privacy than you think—but you'll never know if you don't ask.

Birth control
Need health insurance? You may still have options
Special enrollment periods, Medicaid, a penalty grace period... Counting the ways you can still get health coverage.

Birth control
Talking to your health insurance company 101
It may not be a conversation you look forward to, but these tips should make it a whole lot easier.

Birth control
Got health insurance? Hello, birth control options!
Full coverage of birth control under the Affordable Care Act should be kicking in right about…now.

Birth control
Go easy: More women choosing low-maintenance birth control
The IUD and the implant are more popular than ever among women in the United States.

Health care
Men’s health and the Affordable Care Act: What’s covered?
Here’s what’s covered (and what’s not) under the Affordable Care Act when it comes to men’s sexual health.

Getting the snip is on the rise for guys
U.S. couples are still more likely to choose female sterilization over vasectomy, but guys are starting to catch up.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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