Birth control top 5: What methods do health care professionals use?
Health care providers can help you explore your birth control options. But what methods do they choose for themselves?

Health care providers are just like us! Well, almost… A new study shows what methods of birth control family planning providers in the United States are most likely to use themselves and compares that to what methods are most popular among U.S. women overall. IUDs are big with providers, with 40% of those surveyed saying they use one. (That’s compared to only 11% of women in the general population of the U.S.!) The next most popular methods are vasectomy, a.k.a. male sterilization, and the pill, which providers use at about the same rate as U.S. women. Providers also showed the ring some love—they were more likely to use it than women in the general population (11% compared to 2% of the general population).
Here’s hoping that all women can have good access to birth control, just like these health care providers. If you’re looking for a method that’s perfect for you, we can help. And if you know other people who might be curious about what birth control methods are most popular among lady docs and other women’s health care providers, send this handy infographic their way!

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