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articles tagged “guys”

Boundaries & consent
Was it rape? Thinking about consent and unwanted sex
If you had a sexual experience and you think it might have been assault, we have some questions you can ask yourself.

Health care
Men’s health and the Affordable Care Act: What’s covered?
Here’s what’s covered (and what’s not) under the Affordable Care Act when it comes to men’s sexual health.

Getting the snip is on the rise for guys
U.S. couples are still more likely to choose female sterilization over vasectomy, but guys are starting to catch up.

Birth control
Maryland takes birth control coverage to the next level
Come 2018, Maryland plans to be pretty much the best place ever for insured people who need contraception.

Better sex
Sex in the news: August edition
Our 10 favorite articles about sexual health from the last month

How to get your partner to wear condoms
Boo doesn’t want to wear condoms? These real-life stories will help you find your voice.

How to tell if you’re dating a jerk
How do you know the difference between a human with flaws and a human who doesn’t deserve you? Here are 6 signs that can help.

5 myths about the IUD, busted
U.S. women are catching on to the awesomeness of IUDs—but sometimes old myths die hard.

Birth control
Real Stories: I love my kid(s)—but please, no more
Done having babies for now, or forever? Birth control can help with that.

Birth control
Real Stories: Birth control from the boyfriend perspective
Watch 5 guys talk about their girlfriend’s birth control method.

Not awkward: 5 tips for talking to anyone about sex and birth control
From your guy to your gyno to your girls, here’s how to get the conversation started.

Birth control
Real Stories: LGBTQ folks talk birth control
People with a range of identities and orientations can benefit from birth control.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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