Birth Control
Cervical cap

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Cervical cap
Lisa, 29, cervical cap
It's not something that has to be put on in exactly the moment.

Cervical cap
Matt, 24, cervical cap
It’s basically as close to natural as we can get.
FAQs - Cervical cap
How do I insert the cervical cap?
FAQs - Cervical cap
Does the cervical cap protect against STIs?
FAQs - Cervical cap
What if my cervical cap is starting to smell?
I’ve noticed a nasty smell with the cervical cap.
FAQs - Cervical cap
Can my partner feel the cervical cap?
FAQs - Cervical cap
Will I be able to feel the cervical cap inside of me?
FAQs - Cervical cap
What if the cervical cap is causing irritation?
The cervical cap is causing irritation.
FAQs - Cervical cap
How effective is the cervical cap at preventing pregnancy?
FAQs - Cervical cap
I scratched my cervix when taking out my cervical cap. Is that going to keep happening?
I scratched the surface of my cervix. Ouch.
FAQs - Cervical cap
What if I'm having trouble getting the cervical cap in or out?
I can’t get the cervical cap in (or out) easily.
FAQs - Cervical cap
How do I remove the cervical cap?