questions /
- How long can I leave a diaphragm in?
- How do I get birth control when I’m in the military?
- Does the cervical cap protect against STIs?
- How do you remove a internal condom?
- Can I take out my diaphragm as soon as I’m done having sex?
- How do I talk to my doctor about birth control?
- Can I get a diaphragm at the grocery store or pharmacy?
- What if I want to have sex more than once after inserting my diaphragm?
- When I stand up with my internal condom in, it sticks out a little. How can I stop it from doing that?
- What if my local pharmacy doesn't stock or runs out of emergency contraception?
- Is it true that using tampons can make you lose your virginity?
- Will I be able to get the ring out by myself?
- What is the implant insertion process like?
Displaying questions 81 – 93 of 93