Is it normal to feel moody because of the shot?
I feel moody.
Everybody responds to birth control differently. If you feel like your birth control is changing your mood, it’s time to talk to your health care provider. It might be a matter of switching methods or deciding whether to avoid hormonal birth control altogether, or you may choose to wait it out since some negative side effects go away with time. The shot is effective for three months after you get it and it’s not possible to stop using it during that time, but a health care provider might have some tips for handling moodiness during that time.
The bottom line: If the shot is making you feel blah, don’t settle. There are a lot of methods to choose from and sometimes it can take a few tries to get it right.
Still not working?
If moodiness is still an issue while you are using the shot, you may want to think about using a shorter-acting, lower-dose method, such as the pill, patch, or ring. You could also try either type of IUD.

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