A quickie guide to male reproductive anatomy

Think of this as a tiny anatomy lesson for a dude’s junk. Why? Because knowledge is good, understanding basic biology is important, and you never know who you’re going to impress by identifying where the frenulum is.
Penis. The male external sex organ responsible for delivering sperm. The largest one on record was 13.5 inches long and 6.25 inches in circumference. (We cannot read that without saying “ouch.”) That reminds us: A man of this girth might actually be too big for a comfortable condom fit, but an internal condom would be an option.
Glans. The very sensitive bulbous tip of the penis. In non-circumcised men, the foreskin mostly covers it. Slang terms: Knob. Helmut.
Urethra. A tube that runs through the penis to release urine and semen. Men and women both have urethras. In women it’s just a couple inches long. In men, it’s about eight inches long.
Frenulum. Where the foreskin attaches to the underside of the penis just below the glans. You can usually see where some of the frenulum remains even after circumcision. FYI: This spot is also known for being intensely sensitive.
Scrotum. The sack that contains the testicles, which are two ball-like glands that make sperm and hormones. Did you know that the larger a man’s testicles, the more sperm he’ll produce? Yep. It’s true.
One last thing: Should you come in contact with any of the body parts on this list—in a way that could lead to a pregnancy scare—may we suggest a super reliable form of birth control.
P.S. National Women’s Health Week starts May 11th and we’re kicking it off with everything you need to know about your well-woman visits.
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