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articles tagged “spermicide”
FAQs - Spermicide
Is there a way to use spermicide without making a mess?
The spermicide I'm using is really messy.
FAQs - Birth control
What types of birth control are available over the counter?
FAQs - Birth control
Is birth control available over the counter?

Birth control
These 8 stories make us want to shout "Thanks, Birth Control" from the rooftops
We laughed, we cried, we didn't get pregnant

Why I use a diaphragm for birth control
The diaphragm is hormone-free and gives me total control

Birth control
Fact check: 10 things that aren’t birth control and 17 things that are
Including 10 legitimate non-hormonal BC methods

Birth control
5 signs it’s time to switch birth control methods
Because life’s too short, and you don’t have time for nonsense

Birth control
Side effects: The good, the bad, and the temporary
If you're worried about the side effects of birth control—or if you've had a bad experience—here are a few things you should know.

Birth control
Birth control on the horizon: 2016 edition
In which we squint into the distance and report on everything we see over yonder.
FAQs - Spermicide
Is there anything I can do if spermicide is irritating me?
I find spermicide irritating.

Dating & hookups
The perfect threesome: Pulling out + spermicide + Caya
The new Caya diaphragm pairs well with some spermicide and the oldest birth control method.
FAQs - Spermicide
How effective is spermicide at preventing pregnancy?

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
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