Side effects
Displaying 37-48 of 106 articles tagged “side effects”
FAQs - Birth control
Does birth control cause depression?
FAQs - Periods & vaginal health
Can birth control help with endometriosis?
Emergency contraception
Whoops! Birth control you can use after sex
There are lots of reasons the best laid plans for using birth control don't work out...
FAQs - Birth control
Does hormonal birth control cause depression?
Pregnancy & fertility
Bariatric surgery, birth control, and pregnancy
Considering weight loss surgery? Here’s what you should know about its impact on birth control and pregnancy.
Birth control pill
Is the pill killing your sex drive?
Research suggests that birth control probably isn’t to blame for a loss in libido—but you know your body best.
Which IUD is best for you?
There are a bunch of IUDs on the U.S. market, and they’re not one-size-fits all. Let us help you explore your options.
Hello, Skyla! Getting to know the newest IUD
A new IUD option hits the U.S. market—and it’s (officially) for ladies without kids.
Periods & vaginal health
How birth control saved my period
I got 99 problems but severe period pain ain’t one.
Birth control
Can birth control make my acne better?
Whether you deal with acne all month or just around your period, birth control may be able to help.
Birth control
Are guys big whiners or does hormonal birth control for men actually suck?
Another day, another male birth control method that won't make it to market. But let's not blame the dudes.
Birth control
Does hormonal birth control cause depression?
A new study found a link between hormonal birth control methods and depression. Here's why interpreting this research is effing complicated.
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