Sex and science
Displaying 61-72 of 78
articles tagged “sex and science”

Better sex
Scents and sex: How the nose knows what turns us on

Sexy thoughts
Male or female—study confirms that we all think about sex.

Birth control
Some good news about birth control and heart health
Fall in love! Studies show that progestin-only methods don't affect your pitter patter.

Pregnancy & fertility
Know what’s risky? Pregnancy.
Just another reason why you should get on birth control...

Birth control pill
The FDA weighs in on blood clots and birth control
Warning: Risks do apply.

Birth control
Blame it on the pill (again)
Study alleges that the pill may cause prostate cancer—we remain unconvinced.

Periods & vaginal health
Pap smear every year? Not so much.
New guidelines suggest that for many women an annual pap smear isn't necessary.

Birth control shot (Depo-Provera)
DIY Depo
And you thought Depo couldn't get any better...

Birth control pill
The pill messes with memory? Forget about it!
Media report that the pill affects memory—but does the research hold up?

Birth control pill
Pill good news and bad news
Like any birth control method, the pill has its pros and its cons...

Birth control
Debunking the birth control/memory myth
Despite the dramatic headlines, we see little cause for concern.

Is solo sex linked to safer sex in teens?
Could self-pleasure contribute to greater self-control?

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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