Displaying 73-84 of 88
articles tagged “safety”
FAQs - Condom
Can I use lube with a lubricated condom?
FAQs - Birth control
Is there a birth control that’s drunk-hookup ready?
Can I take out my own IUD?
I’m thinking about removing my IUD myself.
FAQs - Birth control
Does birth control cause depression?
FAQs - Periods & vaginal health
Can birth control help with endometriosis?

To shave or not to shave?
Taking it all off? Or just some of it? If you’re grooming down there, here are tips to keep it safe.

Birth control
Essure update: FDA recommends new warnings
The FDA is recommending words of caution for the label of this permanent birth control method.

Birth control
Does hormonal birth control cause depression?
A new study found a link between hormonal birth control methods and depression. Here's why interpreting this research is effing complicated.
FAQs - Condom
What’s wrong with using expired condoms?
My condom is expired.
FAQs - Health care
Why does my doctor ask if I’m thinking about getting pregnant in the next year?
FAQs - Condom
Is it safe to use flavored condoms for vaginal or anal sex?
I only have flavored condoms.
Can the IUD move out of place or fall out completely?

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
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