Real story
Displaying 25-36 of 104
articles tagged “real story”
Evelyn, 28, IUD
My partner does not feel the strings.
Withdrawal (pull out) method
Taisha, 21, withdrawal and not right now
I wasn’t using a condom and [he’d] pull out.
Johanna, 28, IUD and emergency contraception
The likes far outweigh the don’t likes.
Devon, 19, condoms, withdrawal, and emergency contraception
I love adventuring with condoms.
"Not right now"
Tee, 21, not right now
If we’re going to have sex, we need to have this conversation.
Birth control shot (Depo-Provera)
Stephanie, 23, the shot
It’s not constantly on my mind and I think that’s a great feeling.
Nicole, 21, diaphragm
I use the diaphragm—it's spontaneous like me.
Veronica, 24, diaphragm
You don't need to have some sort of "sex schedule."
Rachel, 25, diaphragm
Put it in. Have sex. That's basically it.
Justin, 27, diaphragm
It’s kind of a little more streamlined.
Ramiyah, 23, condom
Forget one in the moment? There is no heat that hot.
Implant (Nexplanon)
Kyesha, 29, implant
I don't have a boyfriend now, but you never know.
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