Problem solving
Displaying 169-180 of 193 articles tagged “problem solving”
Tainted love: How not to be bitter
How to fake stuff when you need to CYA
Because sometimes, you just have to
Activism & politics
Mail order birth control for a good cause
Sweet! You can order the pill or EC online and help another person get birth control at the same time.
Activism & politics
Should the pill be available over the counter?
There are some good reasons for making the birth control pill available at pharmacies, no prescription needed.
How to avoid 6 common condom problems
Condom trouble? First, don't give up. Second, make sure you're using the right condoms the right way.
IUD Expulsion: Is it as scary as it sounds?
IUD expulsion isn't common, but it does happen. Here's what you should know about it.
IUD insertion: A pinch, a poke, or a serious ouch?
Just how painful does getting that little T have to be?
Health care
Is birth control info missing from chronic condition care?
Women with chronic health conditions have more medical visits—but are they getting the birth control info they need?
Pregnancy & fertility
Accidental pregnancy: It's a tough nut
When it comes to making progress toward fewer unplanned pregnancies, looks like we need a good nutcracker.
Emergency contraception
Emergency contraception: Why the weight?
Research suggests that emergency contraceptive pills may not work as well for women over a certain weight.
Emergency contraception
Panic time? Chat or text for instant answers
Before you go to your neighbor's best friend's cousin for emergency sexual health advice, try Planned Parenthood.
Birth control
Better health services = better sexual health for students
Not a shocker, but good to know: Research from Minnesota shows that colleges with more health services have students with healthier sex lives.
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