Implant (nexplanon)
Displaying 13-24 of 97 articles tagged “implant (Nexplanon)”
FAQs - Birth control
What should I do before stopping my birth control?
FAQs - Periods & vaginal health
Can ibuprofen help reduce heavy periods and irregular bleeding?
I'm having irregular bleeding with a progestin-only birth control method.
FAQs - Implant (Nexplanon)
I'm thinking about getting the implant. But what do I do if I want to get pregnant in less than the 5 years it lasts?
I'm ready to get pregnant.
FAQs - Implant (Nexplanon)
I am considering getting the implant. Does it cause problems to have something in my body for a long time?
I am uncomfortable with the thought of having something in my body for a long time.
FAQs - Birth control
I’m a smoker. What birth control options are best for me?
FAQs - Birth control
What should I do if my birth control changes my mood?
I think my birth control is affecting my mood.
Birth control
These 8 stories make us want to shout "Thanks, Birth Control" from the rooftops
We laughed, we cried, we didn't get pregnant
Birth control
The power of free birth control
More proof from St. Louis that free birth control can be a very, very good thing.
Birth control
No controversy: 5 fantastic arguments for better birth control access
Good for women, good for taxpayers, good for businesses... winning!
Birth control
Four plus-size women share the birth control methods that work for them and why
Because birth control isn't one-size-fits-all
Better sex
Sex in the news: September 2019 edition
"Not right now"
Breaking free from an abstinence-only past
How teaching myself about birth control changed my life
1 2 3 4 ... 9
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