Health care
Displaying 25-36 of 52 articles tagged “health care”
Health care
Racism in family planning care
Here’s what we can all do to break the cycle
Health care
Can you get quality health care as a Black, disabled person?
Spoiler alert: yes, you can, but it’s really, really hard
Health care
My doctor almost sterilized me without telling me
How bias can compromise our health care
Health care
Well-woman visits: 6 things you should know
Because we want you well for National Women’s Health Week and beyond.
Health care
Behind the white lab coat: A who’s who guide to medical professionals
If you’ve ever been unclear about who exactly is responsible for what when it comes to health care, this guide is for you.
Health care
Men’s health and the Affordable Care Act: What’s covered?
Here’s what’s covered (and what’s not) under the Affordable Care Act when it comes to men’s sexual health.
Health care
What to do if you are refused birth control
We hope you can always get the birth control you need, but if you're ever in a refusal situation, here's how to deal.
FAQs - Health care
How do I get birth control when I’m in the military?
Health care
Goodbye waiting rooms: How to get health care online
Get your prescription (including birth control) online using one of these telemedicine apps.
Health care
That burning feeling when you pee: Urinary tract infections 101
UTIs can be related to sex and birth control, but no worries: you can stop them in their tracks.
Health care
The best and worst of health care: 5 things to keep in mind
We asked our Bedsider U community to share their good, bad, and ugly health care stories. Here’s what we learned.
FAQs - Health care
How does the Affordable Care Act affect my birth control?
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