Displaying 289-297 of 297
articles tagged “health”

Pregnancy & fertility
Minding the unplanned pregnancy gap
We knew that. New report reminds us unplanned pregnancy is a problem—and not just for teens.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
There's STI good news and bad news
A super-duper virus-killing drug is in development; so is a super-duper strain of gonorrhea.

Birth control
Baby in one hand… birth control in the other
Careful, not all methods are safe for new moms to use.

Birth control
Full birth control coverage? Thanks, President Obama!
Rejoice! New health insurance plans will cover birth control copay free.

Better sex
Summer flings: You’re hot, he’s hot, the weather’s hot…

Birth control
Clear your mind: Have your birth control covered
Having sex without the stress

Self-love & body positivity
What we know about you (and what you should know about you)
5 things about you that are awesome, right here, right now

Dating & hookups
Sex on the first date? Yes? No? Maybe?
There's lots to think about

Dating & hookups
Calling for backup: How you and your friends can look out for each other

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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