Displaying 1-12 of 14
articles tagged “college”

Boundaries & consent
Was it rape? Thinking about consent and unwanted sex
If you had a sexual experience and you think it might have been assault, we have some questions you can ask yourself.

Birth control
A big day for affordable birth control
Birth control without co-pays or deductibles has arrived. (You can go ahead and fist pump now.)

"Not right now"
Breaking free from an abstinence-only past
How teaching myself about birth control changed my life

Birth control
Got health insurance? Hello, birth control options!
Full coverage of birth control under the Affordable Care Act should be kicking in right about…now.

Birth control
Back to school birth control: 6 questions to answer
Homework isn’t the only thing to stay on top of in college—make sure your sexual health care is covered too!

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
When something’s up down there
What to expect at the gynecologist

Boundaries & consent
When you don't want to: Dealing with sexual assault
If someone ever makes you do something sexual that you don’t want to do, that’s sexual assault.

Activism & politics
5 ways to take action during National Women’s Health Week
Real tasks you can do to get on top of your health, straight from our Bedsider U Reps.

Implant (Nexplanon)
A tale of two birth control implants
Getting my implant replaced wasn’t a walk in the park, but it was so worth it.

Periods & vaginal health
Research takes a closer look at pubic hair
A study asked over 1,100 young men and women about their pubic hair grooming practices and preferences.

Dating & hookups
Stop the presses: Hooking up in college is pretty common
Freshmen use condoms, seniors hook up less, and other fun findings from a new survey of college students.

Birth control
Better health services = better sexual health for students
Not a shocker, but good to know: Research from Minnesota shows that colleges with more health services have students with healthier sex lives.

Not sure what birth control is right for you?
Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
view birth control options
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