Cervical cap
Displaying 1-12 of 22
articles tagged “cervical cap”
FAQs - Cervical cap
I scratched my cervix when taking out my cervical cap. Is that going to keep happening?
I scratched the surface of my cervix. Ouch.
FAQs - Cervical cap
Will I be able to feel the cervical cap inside of me?
FAQs - Cervical cap
Can my partner feel the cervical cap?
FAQs - Cervical cap
Does the cervical cap protect against STIs?

Birth control
Fact check: 10 things that aren’t birth control and 17 things that are
Including 10 legitimate non-hormonal BC methods

Birth control
5 signs it’s time to switch birth control methods
Because life’s too short, and you don’t have time for nonsense

Birth control
Side effects: The good, the bad, and the temporary
If you're worried about the side effects of birth control—or if you've had a bad experience—here are a few things you should know.

Birth control
How to get a prescription filled
Ready to pick up your birth control? Here’s what you need to know before you go.
FAQs - Cervical cap
What if the cervical cap is causing irritation?
The cervical cap is causing irritation.
FAQs - Cervical cap
What if I'm having trouble getting the cervical cap in or out?
I can’t get the cervical cap in (or out) easily.
FAQs - Cervical cap
How do I insert the cervical cap?
FAQs - Cervical cap
How do I remove the cervical cap?

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