April horoscopes: Will you have a fling this spring?

It’s spring and love is in the air. Read on to see what your sign might experience this April.
This is a time to work on things and that includes being more patient with someone you love. Try not to pick fights over things like small communication snafus. It’ll pay off mid-month—especially around the 16th—when you go from stormy to sultry. You’ll be feeling bold, mature, and sensual in bed. Maybe even experimental. Oh my…
You’ve pulled yourself up by the bootstraps and now it’s paying off. By mid-month, watch for something you’ve been wanting or waiting for, most likely it’ll be a financial gain or taste of success. Try to speak up around the 14th. Your voice is very powerful this month. You can even use that to your advantage in bed, especially by the end of April when your inner vixen takes over.
You’ve already learned some tough lessons this year, especially when it comes to romantic partners. Now it’s time for your confidence to return and a new love to appear, possibly around the 20th. This new lover might be older (and a little adventurous between the sheets). Make sure you’re honest about love, sex, and relationships—and communicating with clarity—because little white lies or miscommunication will trip you up if you’re not careful.
What’s going on with your career? Are things suddenly feeling unstable? Work on creating harmony and going after what you truly desire instead of retreating into your shell. In spite of the work stress, you and a partner may grow closer and more intimate. Expect to have fun together, especially around the end of the month. Going out together and then tearing each other’s clothes off on the way home is likely to be a frequent occurrence after the 21st.
You have a strong libido—duh—but in April you’re all business and not that into the bedroom stuff. You’re climbing to the top at work or school and increasing skills along the way. Hard work or boring tasks won’t phase you. You’re focused and fabulous. Bonus: Before the 20th, someone may send you a flattering confirmation of how attractive you are.
What’s going on at home? It looks like you need to concentrate on your living situation, but don’t fear this. There’s lots of luck in your corner. And when everything smoothes out mid-month, you’re going to be much more interested in getting intimate. Actually, sex is going to be a great release for you. Expect it to be more expansive, consuming, and fulfilling.
Please take extra care of yourself this month. You may feel drained and prefer to lay low—and a chaotic relationship may be sucking up your energy. Either way, you don’t want to get sick, so eat well, rest, and try not to stress out. After the 21st, things get better. Bonus: You need love and you may find someone suddenly hanging around, hoping that they’ll get your affection.
Have you been saving up for something? If so, your budgeting is about to pay off. Have you also tried to improve your image at work or school? Expect a new level of achievement because of it. You are pure potential these days. That’s going to spill over into your sex life and you may feel more electric and confident in bed. Stay on top of your health after the 20th.
Life has been slow and steady for a while now, but perhaps it’s gone on too long and dampened your fire? That might be why you feel like living faster, shrugging off responsibilities, doing some shots, and dancing until the sun comes up. By the end of the month you may find yourself wanting something real when it comes to relationships. That’s great! Plus you’re going to have the patience to wait until you get it.
So many amazing and powerful things are coming your way. Your whole perspective of what’s possible is changing. There are no limitations. There is opportunity to climb higher than ever before. At home, you’re cleaning and redecorating. BTW, a fresh look in the bedroom may lead to fresh moves under the covers. That would be great right now while you exude earthy, potent seduction.
You are loyal and standing by someone in April. Perhaps a person you love is going through a challenging time? Helping them is going to be your thing. This is also a great month to ask for a raise, an acknowledgment, or more of what you need. Now, if you’re dating someone new, it may go slow when it comes to sex. Like, really slow. This will build a foundation for you two, so try not to rush it.
Have you started to question a long-standing, never-questioned-before relationship? Is that helping you assess other areas of life too, from your sex life to work to your health? You are very good at deepening life and all this questioning is helping you understand where you’ve sold yourself short. Towards the end of the month expect a delightful, fresh perspective.
One last thing: If you have sex in April, don’t forget the birth control.
P.S. Have you seen our Guy’s Guide videos? Who knew that men and birth control could be so hilarious. Watch this one on condoms to see what we mean.
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