Fitness for fooling around: Donkey Kicks and Fire Hydrants

Let’s get in shape for our health and for hot sex…one move at a time. We covered the basics before. Now you can add Donkey Kicks and Fire Hydrants to your workouts. These moves will give you strength and stamina in many positions, including when you’re on top. They’ll also sculpt your butt, work your core, and tone your hamstrings for fit legs that’ll carry you far.
Donkey Kicks
Get down on all fours with your hands below your shoulders and knees beneath your hips.
Lift a knee off the floor and gently squeeze your glutes while you kick back and up towards the sky. Make sure you lead with your heel.
Return to all fours; repeat 10x with one leg and 10x with the other leg.
Fire Hydrants
Again, get on all fours with your hands below your shoulders and knees beneath your hips.
Lift your knee out to the side. (Like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant—gross, but accurate.) Hold it there for a second, then slowly lower back to all fours.
Do it 10x with one leg and 10x with the other leg.
P.S. It’s almost National Women’s Health Week! Here are 8 ways to get on top of your health, in and out of the bedroom.
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