January extended horoscopes: Sweet 2016
A new year is like a blank journal just waiting for you to fill it up with every adventure, romance, achievement, and experience. Hopefully our extended January horoscopes will give you a taste of all the amazing things to come, this month and beyond.
What to expect in 2016: Abundance is your theme for this New Year and you are going to love what you get. We’re talking luxury, luck, confidence, and love. You don’t even have to try—it’s coming whether you work for it or not. Just stay open minded and believe that anything is possible, because for you it is. One little side note: Stay on top of your sexual health this year. Get checkups and remember your protection.
Important dates: From the end of January to mid-February, your emotions are running deep. You may even experience love at first sight. So what if that turns your world upside down. Try to enjoy the wild ride (and great sex). In May, you’re winning at work and your finances are benefitting. May is also a time of massive attraction, so it’s possible to draw in someone who’s stable, solid, and sexy as hell. P.S. This person will really get you.
Your January prediction: Things are getting awesome. Like really, really awesome. It looks like a deep desire is finally completely within reach. With so many big things going on, expect bigger O’s too. Your sex life looks good in January, especially around the end of the month when things will get electric.
What to expect in 2016: You’re a creative genius and this year you’ll have the discipline to make something of it. And even though you’ll be busy, you’ll also have balance. That means relationships and sex will be just as rewarding and delightful as your work. That’s rare! We hope you enjoy it all.
Important dates: End of May through mid-June, other may be freaking out, but not you. Other people’s chaos does not bring you down. You are feeling sexy and adventurous. You know your boundaries and when to push them. Let everything turn into excitement now. In December, you might feel pulled towards work and accomplishing as much as possible. It’s as if you’re sprinting to get everything done. This might even spill into your love life. Maintain your balance.
Your January prediction: Even if you’re just not into a certain someone, try not to ice them out. Things can change and you might develop feelings. You also want to be heard or understood more than usual now. Seek out people who can be there for you. And if you feel like you need an outlet for you edgy energy, go for a challenging fitness class.
What to expect in 2016: Dream bigger. Yes there may be curve balls or roadblocks, but this is your year to get past them, get inspired, and feel true inner happiness. We see sexual bliss in your future too and a possible new partnership where you’re first seduced, then supported.
Important dates: May is a time of facing responsibilities, but you’ll also experience a lot of gains and positive changes. This is a great month for starting to build a nest egg. From the end of June to mid-July, get ready for off the charts passion. Things are going to get sultry and seductive and loving too. It’s a wonderful time for falling deeper in love with someone, opening your heart, and setting off fireworks in bed.
Your January prediction: Be mindful of overspending and overindulging. Even if you’re doing it to cheer someone up, don’t get carried away. Mid-month, you’re going to have a lot of energy, but we see you channeling it into fitness over bedroom antics. It’s a good month to focus on your health and enjoy down time and alone time.
What to expect in 2016: You’ve reached your cruising altitude. If 2015 was a little unpredictable or uncomfortable, get ready for a year that’s a lot calmer. It’s going to feel like you’re maturing and focusing in on what you really want out of life. And starting in September, expect opportunities and relationships to get a beautiful boost.
Important dates: Draw a heart around April. A new love may show up and this one has lasting power. It’ll start out really hot, then cool to a simmer, then pick up again in September. Mid-July to mid-August is going to challenge you to be frugal while also beautifying your home, sexifying your wardrobe, and going out more. It’s okay to spend as long as you don’t spend it all.
Your January prediction: Hello, Aries 2.0. You’ve got this new cool, classy, controlled vibe and you’re not letting anyone screw with your mood and emotions. When you’re out, it’s not about who you can get. It’s about who you want. And for the first time in a long time, you’re willing to wait for it to be right. P.S. You may want to spend less this month and start bulking up your savings account.
What to expect in 2016: You are extremely capable and this year you know how to channel your energy to reach your greatest potential. It’s kinda like you have the golden touch. Rewards will follow your efforts. Should anyone feel threatened by your power—from a boss to a lover—please know that you’ll be able to handle it. You’ll still make strides even if there’s a little strife. P.S. Your sensuality will get a boost as you get more confident with it.
Important dates: In May, your sex life is going to get juicier. You’ll go beyond previous experiences into a whole new stratosphere of desire and delight. This will also be a super creative time, so let your inner artist out. August will be a powerful month for love. Expect new levels of intimacy, all-night romps, and extra time in bed.
Your January prediction: Your goal-setting gets ruthless. That’s fine, but try not to force it on others. They may feel intimidated and that might cause tension. Perhaps you should set goals around getting it on and having fun. That might improve a relationship at home. P.S. This is a great month to set up a year-long budget and give your spending a makeover.
What to expect in 2016: This year is all about perseverance. You’re tough. You adapt. You know how to get things done. Even if you get painted into a corner or have a challenge or two, you know how to come out on top. So what if it’s not an easy breezy year. This is a year for raking up intellectual and emotional mileage, and the experience you gain will stay with you forever. Enjoy finding out what you really want.
Important dates: February is lighter and you’ll want to be social. Let friends or a significant other take you out or away on a trip, especially around February 16th. It’s also a great time to begin a new health routine. Then, in October, expect a breath of fresh air and smooth sailing. If other months were hard, October is a time to play. Life gets easier and things just flow.
Your January prediction: Who are you crushing on and why aren’t they all over you? Ugh. It’s frustrating. Try to channel some of that lust into collaborative, creative projects. It also looks like you’ll be taking matters into your own hands, if you know what we mean, so perhaps a new toy will help take the edge off. P.S. Start saving money towards the middle of the month. You’re going to want extra funds soon.
What to expect in 2016: Even if you’ve lost faith in some of the kindness of the universe, an emerging optimism will return this year. Your sexual expression, romantic life, and faith in the future will enter a time of healing and brightening. The sun is shining on you again and you can feel the warmth of better times to come. One note of caution: Pay special attention to your sexual health and protect yourself against STIs and unplanned pregnancies.
Important dates: March is your month to connect with people. If you’re looking for love and find it then, expect to feel a very special oneness with this person. It’s also a great month for volunteering in support of humanitarian causes. July is an excellent time for exploring emotions in and out of the bedroom. Sex could be particularly heart-opening at this time.
Your January prediction: You might feel a little sick or rundown in January, and that means you might want to stay in and just get healthy. Fortunately, friends will understand and show up with what you need, whether it’s coaxing you to a soothing yoga class or bringing you chicken soup. Enjoy the support. Oh! And enjoy the long hours in bed with someone special. Sex can be therapeutic and boost your health.
What to expect in 2016: You want more this year. More creativity and responsibility at work or school. More money. More love. More excitement. More commitment and communication. You might even swap someone who was not totally into you for someone who is really and truly there for you. It’s as if you want more meaning out of your life and you’re making that a reality.
Important dates: Will April bring a dashing new love who you have screaming chemistry with? Looks like it. But the sex won’t happen right away. This is a slow-ripening romance that gets richer with time, but when you do go at it, it’s gonna be amazing. Mid-October to mid-November is a time of immense progress. At a personal level you’re thriving and you’re also really enjoying your social life and your commitments. It’s maturity and you’re rocking it.
Your January prediction: You’ve got a lot of energy right now and you want to let it out, but life might feel slower than you like. Try not to get frustrated by this because it may make you argumentative. Maybe you can channel all that energy into “me time” and do things that bring you pleasure. Toward the end of the month, you might feel the opposite and start to slow way down. Extra sleep, water, care, and comfort will help.
What to expect in 2016: Success is yours this year. You’ve earned it and you’ll enjoy it. You’ll totally handle any challenge that pops up. You’ll experience more passion and intimacy in your love life. If you try to save money, you’ll succeed at that too. Just be sure to pay attention to your intuition, especially where love is concerned. You don’t want to get hung up on illusions.
Important dates: Mid-January to mid-February is a money zone and when it comes to your finances, you will have a good sense of how to grow your savings. You’ll also be very intuitive in bed. Expect very hot, creative sex and a keen ability to please someone. And in May, your sexual appetite will grow even more. You are so sultry this year. Have fun!
Your January prediction: Can you feel the heat? Things are beginning to stir in your love life. Do you feel ready to pounce? Even if you have to wait to make your move, once you do, things are going to be downright erotic and very physical in bed. BTW, it’s a great month to express your self through writing or art. And if you’re feeling indecisive or frustrated about anything, journaling could really help.
What to expect in 2016: Your need for freedom and change turns into solid plans this year. You are building momentum in your life and finding your pace. Even if you let someone go last year, you might find someone new who is better suited to your needs. That includes giving you lots of space to do your thing.
Important dates: February might see you starting a new beauty regimen. It’s like you’re jonesing for a makeover and when you get it, your confidence is going to reach new heights. (That includes confidence in the bedroom!) September is going to be a very lucky month for you. Expect new pursuits and someone pursuing you. Prepare to say yes to many opportunities, but make sure your birth control is covered for those kind of opportunities.
Your January prediction: You’re focused on yourself this month and that’s a good thing. Work or school will get a lot of your attention. Expect positive attention there and a new sense of momentum (or redemption if you previously goofed around). P.S. The end of the month will feel calmer than the first half.
What to expect in 2016: Sexy, healthy, and vibrant. Energetic and optimistic. Excited and confident. Life is bringing good stuff your way. This is your year! Your health is improved. Your sex life is fun. You’ll step it up when it comes to work, exercise, and relationships. Wherever you put your attention, you will shine.
Important dates: Mid-January to mid-February has you on the go and totally focused on goals. You’ll also be really in touch with your body and your physical needs in bed, so enjoy that. In July, you’re going to be super magnetic. Will you attract a hot new love or experience a powerful rekindling with a current flame? Prepare for dreamy romance either way, especially around the 3rd.
Your January prediction: You want to move your body, so go for it. It’s like there’s a force creating a power surge in you. That might make you a little selfish in bed. Try to balance this energy with a little bit of gentleness where a lover is concerned. P.S. The 29th and 30th are your best days for wild adventures in the sack.
What to expect in 2016: Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Your fierce determination and focus will help you achieve goals this year, but the process might be slower than usual. Try not to let that bum you out. Learning patience is incredibly useful and it’ll all be worth it.
Important dates: April brings a lot of new things your way, including a new way to express yourself in bed. Things are shifting. Excitement is brewing, especially around the 23rd. In October you experience a surge of sexy optimism that will do wonders for your relationships and sex life. If love was kinda slow paced this year, it’ll start moving fast in the fall.
Your January prediction: You know how to do the super hot sex goddess thing, but are you still into that? It feels like you want a deeper relationship now. More than just sex. Work on that around the 10th and you should see progress. This is also a good time to update your wardrobe and dress to reflect the image you want to project. P.S. the end of the month will feel less heavy.
Wishing you the best year ahead,
P.P.S. Will 2016 be the year you upgrade your birth control? Browse the most effective methods and see what your options are.
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