14 reasons we’re thankful for birth control

There are so many reasons to say thanks for what birth control makes possible. Here are some of ours.

We loved when Buzzfeed employees told the world why they use birth control last year, so for Thanks, Birth Control Day 2015 we decided to follow their lead. Below are some of the reasons why we’re giving thanks for birth control this year. (And here are some reasons we should all give thanks every day/week/month/year for what birth control makes possible.)

I’m thankful for birth control because it allows me to have fun and focus on school without worrying about getting pregnant!
— Madeleine, 21

I thank birth control because it is great to not have terrible periods that prevent me from being a functional human being.
— Adrienne, 22

I’m thankful for birth control because stress-free sex is good for my mental health!
— Arielle, 21

Because my body deserves it!
— Julianne, 20

Thanks, birth control, helping me be able to function 24/7/365!!
—Holly, 20

I thank birth control for allowing me and my friends to be safe and worry-free! Yay good sexual and mental health!
— Anny, 19

I’m thankful for birth control for allowing me to get through grad school without having to worry about pregnancy or cramps!
— Becca, 25

I’m thankful for birth control because it helps me manage my PCOS and keeps me worry-free.
— Chloe, 20

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