April Horoscopes: Ready for a romantic spring fling?

Put down the chocolate bunnies and peanut butter eggs. (What? Just us?) It’s time to see what April has in store for you.
You’re getting noticed at work or school. You’ve got a clear vision and you’re making hard projects look easy. You might even be earning more money. So why are you feeling threatened? Even if you feel like a little storm cloud this month, try not to act out. Starting a power battle is not the answer. You have a lot of energy. This is a time to channel it into more of what makes you happy and positive.
The arrival of warm spring sunshine is actually heating up your bed. Enjoy the beginning of April when you exude a captivating, sultry confidence. (And make sure you’re stocked up on birth control; looks like you’ll need it.) Towards the end of the month you may be tempted to overspend. Avoid online sales (you know you hate being in debt) and if you find yourself longing for grandiose plans, start with small steps so you get some satisfaction.
Recent challenges from all directions have dampened your usual flirty, adventurous optimism. Thankfully, April brings fresh energy and a boost of momentum just when you need it. Life has ups and downs, but you can face them all as long as you do things that energize your spirit, like hanging with smart friends or learning something stimulating.
If you find yourself arguing with friends—or dealing with sudden technical difficulties on all your devices—don’t let these things get the best of you. When you feel annoyed, remember how much power you have to rise above it all. (And for the record: You are very, very powerful.) Around the 18th, it looks like you’re extra commanding and focused. Use that to ask for what you need…in life and in bed.
Check out your confidence! You’re shining and getting recognized for it. That includes romantic attention because your attraction is really off the charts, but wait until after mid-month to choose someone who’s really suited to you. This is a great time to use your originality and innovative design skills to redesign whatever isn’t shining in your life. The results will be a lifestyle boost.
We see some increased attention coming your way. Friends and significant others are lining up to take you out. Now, about a certain significant other…Are you flirting or competing with them? It might be hard to tell the difference. Hopefully the sexual tension leads to something awesome. This is a month to work on clarity and some meditation or reflection will benefit your health, finances, and love life.
Um, what’s with all the selfish people? There might be a lot of other people’s lame drama in the beginning of April…coming out of nowhere. You’ll probably want to hide under the covers, but don’t. There are rewards waiting for you at work or school and you can accomplish a lot this month. Things will ease up mid-April. There may even be a new love interest around the 13th or an influx of money that you weren’t expecting.
These are wild times for you. There will be spending, eating, partying, and omg the sex. Hopefully nobody will try to dampen your fun, but even if they do, you’ll probably just flip them two middle fingers. It’s that kind of month. But one little note of caution: You may want to try to spend less. We know you want to drop cash on exciting things right now, but saving is going to be much better for you.
Admit it. Life has been moving slower than you like. Good thing you get a fresh burst of forward-moving energy in April. Looks like something big is going to pay off the first week of the month, something that you’ve been waiting for. And do you have a crush on someone more mature than your usual type? This one is interesting, but the flirtation might not last long. Good news: The right one is on the way. Get ready for love.
That sparkle in your eye is attracting romance and that’s leading to some fun times in the sheets. But are things starting out awkward before they get hot? Or are you fighting before you fool around? By mid-month things will go smoother and communication will be easier. BTW, this is a good time for athletic pursuits, especially things that challenge you. This is a month of strength for you.
Two words: Crazy excitement. It’s going to be a fun month and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Doors are going to open in amazing ways and things are going to happen fast. Even stuff that first appears sucky is going to turn out really, really well. Do what inspires you or thrills you. Just be extra safe if that includes boot knocking.
Things are going great for you and people are supportive, but somehow you don’t feel understood right now. Fortunately, this is just a matter of recalibration. The feelings you have are redirecting you to deeper, more meaningful pursuits and relationships. It’s like you gotta walk through a little fire to get to where you really want to be. And you are making progress…creatively, romantically, and financially.
If you want a personalized horoscope from Bedsider’s astrologer, she’ll take care of you. And like always, we’ll help you take care of your birth control.
P.S. Happy Hour is actually the 60 minutes you spend looking at Bedsider on Pinterest.
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