March horoscopes: It’s spring…time to go at it like bunnies

March is the first month of spring and it holds so much promise—but it still needs time to warm up. (Funny…that could describe our sex life sometimes.) Read on to see what it has in store for you.
Want to get lost in a new book? Craving a crush—or some hot sex—to distract you? If things are a little heavy in your world—especially at work or school—and you don’t know how to move forward, know that momentum is possible. Things that will help: Try taking a class to boost your skills or talk about your feelings with a partner or friend. (FYI: Their initial response might piss you off, but you will have their support and that will feel good.)
Whose sex drive is off the charts in March? Yours. Prepare for a lot of lust. You may be tempted to passionately throw yourself at one person, then get icy, then move on to the next lover—but keep in mind that if you do settle on one person, they may be unavailable. Don’t take it personally and try not to get too hung up on them. BTW, the beginning of the month will be a good time to change roles at work, if you’re into it.
Hey there, Speed Racer, what’s the rush? Is something in your life moving too fast right now? Like a huge work project, class, or even a wedding? Take a break, relax, breathe, and reflect on what’s overwhelming you. Your plans are solid. You just need to be patient with the process. If things get really stressful try not to numb it with chocolate/wine/shopping. Some indulgence is good, but excessively self-medicating is not.
Early March is bright and flirty and fun and full of dates. Bonus: Money isn’t too much of a concern at this time. But we get the sense that something is on your mind…like a deep reevaluation of your commitments. (Ooof! We know how Gemini feel about the “c” word.) Here’s a trick: Think back to 14 years ago. There might be a reoccurring theme from then to now. If you attempt some changes, go easy on yourself. Change takes time.
Who’s messing with you? Early in the month it might feel like someone is screwing up your mojo. Even though they may be a forceful creator of conflict, try not to lose your cool. Your tough crab shell enables you to weather a lot of storms, so hang in there. From March 22 onward, you’ll feel more open and social. That would be a great time to open up and reconnect with a loved one.
Hoping for a raise? More recognition? Want to reach a goal? Then this is your month. Everything feels like a big YES. The first week of the month, we’re talking skyrocketing success. But keep an open mind because your good fortune is going to arrive in new, innovative, or even unexpected ways. All this might leave you feeling very generous. It’s okay to spoil a lover, just be careful that you don’t smother them in the process.
If you had low energy or the blues in February, you can expect to feel more oomph in March. But you seem to have some lingering struggles or insecurity. Please hang in there. This is a time for figuring out your goals, desires, and purpose. Around the 22nd, expect a booster shot of love/sex/passion. You will radiate your own special hotness. Have fun with it.
WTF? Is it Opposite Day? Why is everybody acting so different? If people are throwing you for a loop and it has you on edge, try to focus on you, not them. This is a good time to get shit done. It looks like you’ll get recognition for whatever work you accomplish. And about that intense physical energy you have…try the gym. Soon you’ll be using that energy in the bedroom, but for now it’ll be great to use it working out in a fitness class.
Less pressure. More inner calm and balance. You’re going to like March. If there is any drama, it’s probably seeking you out because you’re the voice of reason. You’re understanding and have a way of seeing through the B.S, so people want your perspective. But be cautious towards the end of the month if you feel like procrastinating. You might want to hang out with your crush or party with friends, but you’ll be better off if you finish that paper or work project.
We know you love adventure, but it looks like this is a great time to super-focus on work. You will be handsomely compensated for it. We especially see an inflow of money at the beginning of the month. We even see you putting some extra money in the bank for a rainy day. It also looks like you’re smoking hot in bed these days. If you’re in a relationship, expect a new surge of spicy adventures. If you’re single, it’ll all be in the moment, but it’ll be fun. Just remember the birth control.
Cap, you’re a badass who knows how to get things done. In March, it may feel like you have to clean up other people’s mess. Fortunately, you can handle any situation and this will all pass as fast as it came on. Towards the end of the month, enjoy some extra flirtation, romance, and sensuality. Or get creative in an art class. Your expressive side will thrive.
All eyes are on you this month, so expect to be the center of attention for all the right reasons. And of course you’ll handle it in your usual cool, aloof, stone-cold-fox kind of way. A lot of invites are coming your way, which means a lot of opportunities to meet people and get your flirt on. One person may totally get under your skin, but the hookup might leave you hot, then not. (Is that a pattern for you? Think about it.) They’ll want more of you, but you’ll be out the door.
Got big plans for March? Starting to think about Spring Break or a weekend getaway? Whatever you do this month, bring your birth control. It feels awesome to be ready for anything. (And you know what we mean when we say anything.)
P.S. Sex talk. News. Humor. You can even tweet questions to a real doctor once a week. Those are just a few reasons why you should follow us on Twitter.
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