The facts of life: Fertility edition

We hear so much about infertility these days, it’s easy to assume it’ll be hard to get pregnant. But for most of us using Bedsider—who are typically under age 30—getting pregnant might be way easier than we think. So here are three fertility facts to keep in mind.
You really are at your most fertile now. In the U.S., fewer than 1 in 100 women under age 30 get medical treatment because they’ve had trouble getting pregnant. That means a lot of 20-something year old women don’t have any trouble making a baby. So if you’re not ready to have a kid just yet, use an effective method until you are ready.
When you stop using some birth control, you get can pregnant fast. Like really fast. To find out how soon you could return to fertility after going off your method, go to the method’s page on Bedsider, click the details tab, and read the part titled: The pregnancy question. Or check out our article, Does using birth control hurt my chances of getting pregnant later?
You’re in your egg-producing prime and when you ovulate, you actually give off subtle biological clues that you’re a fertility goddess. Single, heterosexual men are actually wired to pick up on those clues, which is why many guys find ovulating women more attractive. Get to know your cycle here and be prepared any time your partner is ready to pounce.
Sometimes fertility info can be confusing. If you have additional questions on this subject, please post them the comments under this article and we’ll try to point you to a helpful resource or answer them in a future Provider Perspectives article.
P.S. If you or any of your friends have a question about birth control, we totally have your answers.
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