Save the date: How to be a badass bridesmaid
It's wedding season

Say hello to June with its sunshine, sultry nights, and official launch of the summer wedding season.
We love love. And cake. We’ve even been known to cry at weddings. (And wedding episodes on tv.) But we’ve also wanted to burn a couple bridesmaid dresses and let one or two BFFs know that there are other, more interesting things to occasionally talk about than the linens and glassware that’ll accompany their nuptials.
Like it or not, there will always be a certain amount of heaven and hell that comes along with being in the bridal party. If it’s your turn to make a toast, read a passage, or hold the bride’s bouquet, here’s a checklist to make being a bridesmaid a bit more Bedsider.
- Bang a groomsman (just don’t forget a condom and the party-ready birth control).
- Wear ultra sexy lingerie underneath a fugly dress (you’ll feel hot even if the dress is not).
- Coordinate a delightfully embarrassing speech or dance to honor the bride and groom.
- Swipe a few bottles of champagne or wine and host your own after party with a guest of your choice.
Donate an old bridesmaid dress (or turn it into a killer Halloween costume).
- Plan a bachelorette party that doesn’t suck. (Watch this for some suggestions.)
- Don’t hold back on the dance floor. Ring bearers, grandpas, and colleagues who don’t really know anyone at the reception will adore you for dancing with them.
- Eat. Please don’t run around the whole time without enjoying the food. (That’s what Spanx are for.)
- Really get to know the family and friends you haven’t met yet. It’s charming and makes the experience even more fun, meaningful, and memorable.
- Go rogue. Once the pictures are over and the party is underway, kick off the uncomfortable shoes, let the updo down, and be yourself. If you’re smiling, that’s usually good enough for the bride and groom.
And if you really can’t accept the honor of being a bridesmaid, remember that it’s ok to say no. Just make sure you decline gracefully.
Got anything else to add to the list? Post a comment and let us know how you rock the whole bridesmaid thing.
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