Hoping to hook up on New Year’s Eve? Don’t let these excuses stand in your way

Sometimes it’s easy to go out and charm the pants off everyone. Other times, not so much. If you legitimately don’t feel social this weekend—or you have no interest in hooking up any weekend—we totally support you. But, if you’re just making excuses that keep you cooped up instead of hooked up, we’re here to give you a gentle nudge into the New Year.
Excuse #1: I’m too…
Are you too broken out? Heartbroken? Cash money broke? PMSish? Tired? Out of practice? Intimidated? Here’s the truth: Most of us never really feel 100% ready for anything. We all go in and out of feeling flawed or like there’s something we need to improve before we make a move on anyone.
Please don’t postpone hooking up or happiness or anything else you want out of life. You are perfectly imperfect right now, just as you are, just like everybody else. The right person will see that you’re a fling waiting to happen and they’ll want to be a part of it on New Year’s or any other day.
Think this instead: I’m too awesome to keep all this to myself.
Excuse #2: I need…
Do you need new clothes? Sexier bras? A deeper tan? A Brazilian? More sessions at the gym? Fewer distractions? Nope. You don’t.
You don’t need a single thing to make you more lovable, desirable, or smushable. Those things might be nice, but they’re extras. We don’t think you need anything extra.
Think this instead: I need to be seen.
Excuse #3: There’s nobody out there who’ll…
Kiss you at midnight? Think that you’re hot? Want what you want? Give as much as you give? Love you? Value you for your mind, your big heart, your killer smile, your passion, or that funny laugh of yours? Yes. They will.
You know what the biggest factor is in finding someone to hook up with or have a relationship with? It’s proximity. That means the greatest thing you can do to find someone delicious is to be near delicious people. Get out. Do stuff. Engage with others this weekend and stay open to possibility (and hooking up). You could meet someone spectacular any time, anywhere, so let that inspire you all year long.
Think this instead: There’s somebody out there who’s ready for me.
Now, all of this is easy to say and hard to do, but don’t let that stop you. All it takes is a little motivation, a little change in your perspective, and a plan to go out. You can do that. Even better: Do that and have your birth control covered in advance of any hook up sex.
And should you not find anyone to hook up with on New Year’s eve, who cares? Like we said, you are a fling waiting to happen. Be patient, have fun, and get ready. If not this weekend, we know it’ll happen soon enough.
2012 is gonna be your year, Bedsider
P.S. Have you seen the hilarious, fabulously awkward Bedsider TV spots? Watch them on Facebook. We dare you not to cringe.
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