Tis the season: The heaven and hell of office parties

We just read another article on how not to behave at holiday parties. The suggestions are always the same. Drink less. Don’t sneak off and have sex. Don’t wear anything that’ll shock Santa and get you on the naughty list. Don’t tell your boss—or anyone else—they’re a tool. Etc. etc.
We kind of assume you know that already. And even if you know that, we also assume some of it will happen anyway. Still, we want to be helpful, so here are three quick tips to get you through any holiday party Bedsider style.
In your killer flirting skills. In your dance moves. In your ability to make small talk, mingle, walk in heels, rock an LBD, or handle your booze. Believe that you’re sexy and you know it. And while you’re at it, believe that the party is going to be a good one. A little mind control can make any party so much better.
Drink Smart
Speaking about handling booze…. Mixing different types of alcohol can create fluctuations in blood sugar and that can make you feel sick. Even if everyone’s challenging you to do shots, try to stick with one type of alcohol. Nobody wants to be remembered for puking at the party.
Plan Ahead
Life gets busy. You might get lucky and get busy. Some doctors and health centers close around the holidays. Spontaneous sex during or after the office party happens. All of these are reasons why you should stock up on birth control now so you don’t get caught without it when you need it. That includes a super reliable method and condoms to prevent STIs.
These tips really come down to confidence and caution. Both have a way of making you look good—and covering your ass—in a variety of situations, but they don’t ruin the fun.
Point us to the mistletoe,
P.S. Wish your birth control was free? Try our Free Birth Control Finder and see if you qualify.
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