Introducing ella: A new emergency contraceptive available in the U.S.

Ok. It’s not Friday, but we’re sending you this email anyway because nobody’s missing cutting edge birth control news on our watch.
Approved by the FDA this August, ella isn’t on the market yet, but it will be soon. Here’s what you need to know:
ella enchanted. This new emergency contraceptive goes by the name ella. It’s also known as ellaOne in Europe, where it’s been available since October 2009. (Notice that little “e” in ella? Yes, it’s intentional. No, we don’t know why.)
Coming soon to a pharmacy near you. It’s an oral EC (emergency contraceptive) and available by prescription only. We think you’ll be able to get your hands on it by the end of this year.
There when you need it. ella can prevent a pregnancy up to five days after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. AND, it’s as effective on the fifth day after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure as it is on the morning after.
Better results. It’s more effective than any of the other versions of oral EC (commonly known as Plan B, Plan B One-Step, and Next Choice), which are only recommended up to three days after sex.
Science! ella blocks the hormone progesterone to delay the ovaries from producing an egg, which means that it helps prevent fertilization. It’s NOT the same as RU-486, the abortion pill!
Don’t worry. Side effects are similar to those from other oral EC: Mild to moderate headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, painful menstrual cramps, fatigue, and dizziness. We get most of those symptoms when we drink too many caramel lattes.
Women need emergency contraception options, so ella’s arrival is a very good thing. And we’ll update our EC methods page asap so you have all the details you need.
Keeping it real,
P.S. Sorry for sending this twice! We had a minor glitch with the Special Editions, but we’re back on track now.
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