Have you tried the Elephant, Lotus, or Crab? The Kama Sutra demystified

Its influence in the bedroom is still going strong and it’s over 1500 years old. So what’s the deal with the Kama Sutra…
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu text grouped into seven parts. One part—the one we always seem to hear about—provides instruction on how to arouse, embrace, kiss, perform oral sex, moan, bite, and get it on in 64 different sexual positions. Curious? Of course you are.
The other parts actually focus on stuff like the art of pleasure, how to attract a mate, how to sustain a happy marriage, physical compatibility, and recipes to attract lovers. Some slam it for being very guy-focused. Still, the sex positions are definitely meant to be enjoyed by men and women.
If you’re interested in the history of the Kama Sutra, start here. There’s a lot to it and it’s much more than a sex manual. You can also read up on a few interesting Kama Sutra facts. (Like it wasn’t legally published in the West until 1963! That’s centuries of being too naughty to print.).
If you prefer to go straight to the good stuff—like learning how to do “The Snake Trap”—then here are a few websites that call out some of the better positions. FHM gives us the guy’s perspective on the Kama Sutra. Here are some Kama Sutra basics with pictures from goodtoknow.co.uk. And then there’s Cosmo’s take on it.
The positions range from acrobatic to ultra-basic and it’ll probably take awhile to try them all out. Better make sure you’re all stocked up on birth control.
Don’t fall down trying “The Pair of Tongs”,
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