Feel the need for speed? Mix it up and take your time

There’s a lot to be said for wham-bam, passionate sex. But sometimes, you just want to slow it down and enjoy. Here are a few tips that can help make the lovin’ last longer—and bring you and your partner closer together in the process.
Try to use all five of your senses. Touch, taste, smell, sight and sound.
Keep your eyes open, and look into your partner’s eyes.
Breathe in unison—inhale and exhale at the same time as your partner. You’ll set a rhythm that can help you connect.
Forget about setting goals for sex. Just “be” in the experience and see what happens. You might be surprised!
Keep practicing. The more you do it, the easier (and better) it gets.
Enjoy the weekend,
ps - Get Bedsider on the go: to get started, text MyBC to 42-411.
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