Quiz: Are you really over your ex, or are you just kidding yourself?

Take a deep breath and dive in

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, minding your own business, and then bam! A picture of your ex pops up. Maybe they’re out with friends, at the gym, or (heaven forbid) out doing something cute with someone else. Suddenly, all those thoughts you were sure you’d buried come bubbling up, and you’re left wondering: am I really over them, or am I just kidding myself?

Well, wonder no more! In the name of emotional clarity (and a little bit of fun), we’ve created the ultimate quiz to help you figure out if you’ve truly moved on or if you’re stuck in a breakup black hole. Let’s see where you stand.

1. How often do you stalk your ex on social media?

a) What? I haven’t checked their profile in months. I’m busy living my best life.
b) Every now and then, but purely out of curiosity…that’s okay, right?
c) Daily. I need to know how many times they’ve smiled since we broke up.

2. When someone mentions your ex in conversation, your first thought is:

a) Oh, them? That feels like ancient history.
b) Hmm, I wonder what they’re up to now…
c) (Cue dramatic internal monologue) Why must you remind me of my emotional wounds?

3. Have you deleted their number from your phone?

a) Yep, it’s long gone! I’m not going to need it again.
b) I haven’t, but only because I don’t delete numbers in general. It’s not about them.
c) Deleting it wouldn’t help. Their number is one of the only ones I have memorized.

4. Do you compare new dates to your ex?

a) No way. Everyone is unique, and I’m excited to meet new people.
b) Sometimes, but not in a way that makes me want to get back together with my ex.
c) Constantly. Oh, you like hiking? My ex loved hiking too. It’s like they come with me on dates!

5. When you think about your ex dating someone new, you:

a) Honestly don’t care. I hope they’re happy, because I’m focusing on my happiness.
b) Feel a little pang, but I’m not going to lose sleep over it.
c) Feel rage, sadness, and jealousy all at once. How dare they move on?! And before me!

6. Your dream vacation comes up, and the first person you imagine going with is:

a) My current boo, my friends, my dog. My ex? Not a chance.
b) I’d probably go solo, but okay, maybe I had a fleeting thought about how much fun my ex and I would have together on this trip.
c) Oh, definitely my ex. We had such great times together, and I can’t imagine ever having as much fun traveling without them.

7. Late at night, when your mind starts to wander, you:

a) Think about upcoming plans, that thing your work frenemy said, or how cute your cat is.
b) Occasionally reminisce about the relationship, but it’s not like you’re sad about it.
c) Start replaying every moment of your breakup, questioning what went wrong between you, and wondering if they miss you.

8. How do you feel when you bump into your ex in public?

a) It’s no big deal. We exchange pleasantries and go our separate ways.
b) A little awkward, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.
c) What do you mean bump into them in public? I would see them coming a mile away and dart into the nearest alley.

9. What’s your go-to move when you’re feeling lonely?

a) I reach out to friends, focus on self-care, or dive into a good book or hobby.
b) I might scroll through old photos, but I don’t dwell for too long.
c) I start typing a message to my ex, but then I delete it…only to repeat the process the next time I feel lonely.

10. If your ex texted you right now, saying they wanted to get back together, your first reaction would be:

a) I would laugh! I’ve moved on, and there’s no way I’d revisit that chapter of my life.
b) I’d feel conflicted, but I know deep down that it wouldn’t work out.
c) I’d drop everything and start planning our reunion. We’re soulmates, right?


Now brace yourself, add up your points, and find out where you stand. For every question you answered with option a, give yourself 1 point, for every b you selected, give yourself 2 points, and for every c, you get 3 points. Add ‘em all up.

10 – 15 points:

You’re so over it. You’ve officially moved on, and that ex is a distant memory. You’ve done the emotional heavy lifting, and now you’re ready for new experiences. The past is in past. Keep doing you!

16 – 22 points:

Almost there. You’ve made great progress, but a few feelings or memories are still lingering. Whether it’s nostalgia or just habit, you’re not fully over them just yet. Give yourself time—it won’t be long before you’ve moved on completely.

23 – 30 points:

Oof. It looks like your ex is still living rent-free in your mind. Whether it’s the hope of reconciliation or unresolved feelings, something is keeping you from letting go. It’s time to focus on your healing—delete that number, unfollow them, and start working on closure. You deserve to move forward!

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