September 2024 horoscopes: Fall is bringing the heat!

Start putting the spice in pumpkin spice

Romantic planet Venus spends most of September in its flirty home-base sign of Libra, so partnerships are getting a juicy late-summer glow-up this month. And once Venus enters sultry Scorpio during the autumn equinox on September 22nd, it’ll start putting the spice in pumpkin spice, too. Summer’s ending, but fall is bringing the heat! Just beware of sudden shake-ups in love, as there’s an emotional lunar eclipse on September 17th—so potential changes of heart are on the horizon for all zodiac signs.


August 23rd - September 22nd

Happy birthday season, Virgo! The new moon in your sign on September 2nd is ripe for manifestations, so make an opulent and sensual birthday wish. The lunar eclipse two weeks later is coming to shake up your relationships, giving you a major reality check and encouraging you to take off the rose-colored glasses in love. Once you can look at your partnerships through a realistic lens, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to make them stronger.


September 23rd - October 22nd

Your charm is at an all-time high thanks to lover planet Venus gracing your sign through the first three weeks of September. No one can resist your allure right now. Mid-month is an especially exciting time for romance, and taking a risk in love could pay off big. Try something adventurous in the bedroom or open your heart to a suitor you may have initially overlooked. Once your birthday season starts on September 22nd, it’s party time, so let your flirty side come out to play.


October 23rd - November 21st

Spend the new moon on September 2nd mingling with a fun group, either to meet a sexy someone or to spice up a relationship with some social time. The lunar eclipse two weeks later might burst the bubble on some of your dream crushes or romantic fantasies, but what if reality is even sweeter? Keep an open mind. Amorous Venus lights up your sign starting on September 22nd, making it easy to attract your every desire.


November 22nd - December 21st

You may have no choice but to act on the passions that’ve been brewing beneath the surface of your heart once lusty planet Mars hits your intimacy sector on September 4th. Go all in, but be sure to set boundaries in your relationships as needed, too. Mid-month, your social life is overflowing with flirty and romantic vibes, bringing the potential for an epic romance to blossom out of friendship. Hit the town and take advantage of the magic in the air.


December 22nd - January 19th

The new moon on September 2nd inspires you to get more adventurous in love, so try something a little out of your comfort zone. Making bold moves now is just the beginning, as lusty Mars is zooming into your relationship zone two days later, revving up your mojo. Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move—the ball is in your court! If you need to drop some honesty on a lover, the lunar eclipse on September 17th is your chance to speak up.


January 20th - February 18th

Open your heart to a more intimate and vulnerable connection with a lover under the new moon on September 2nd. A little more depth in relationships is probably just what you’re craving right now. Mid-month is one of your luckiest and most exciting periods of the year for romance, so be spontaneous when it comes to meeting new people or experimenting in bed. Who knows? The refreshing breeze of the autumn equinox might inspire you to step outside of your comfort zone even further.


February 19th - March 19th

The new moon on September 2nd is a good time to focus on fostering your relationships or starting up some new ones. You may have to make the first move, but that’ll be easy once carnal Mars zooms into your sex and dating zone a couple days later, boosting your libido and inspiring you to explore more passion with your partners. Check in with yourself and where you’re at in your love life under the lunar eclipse in your sign on September 17th. It may be time to let go of some old storylines.


March 20th - April 19th

Partnerships are a priority all month long, so focus on strengthening your romantic bonds and being more diplomatic with your lovers. You may even feel the desire to commit more seriously to something you’ve been keeping casual, especially once the autumn equinox hits. Flirty conversations flow like champagne and love tastes as sweet as strawberries as Jupiter blows a kiss to amorous Venus in your relationship zone. Speak whatever’s on your heart.


April 20th - May 20th

The new moon on September 2nd fills your heart with butterflies, reminding you that the euphoria of a crush can sometimes be as healing as a fancy spa day. Maybe try both! The autumn chill of the equinox on September 22nd will make you want to get extra close with your lovers, emotionally and otherwise—so find ways to bring more intimacy, trust, and vulnerability to your relationships through the end of the month.


May 21st - June 20th

Flirty vibes reign supreme all month, so your beguiling gift of gab could score you a hot date or bring a little more lightheartedness into an existing relationship. Allow yourself to let go and have some fun. Mid-month brings one of the most romantic moments of the year for you and it’s an especially lucky time to woo a crush or re-seduce a partner. The final days of September give you an opportunity to speak whatever’s on your heart and mind, so share your fantasies.


June 21st -July 22nd

Passionate planet Mars is zooming into your sign on September 4th, boosting your libido for the rest of the month and giving you a sexy take-charge attitude in love. Go after what you want. Broadening your horizons is a must under the lunar eclipse on September 17th, so explore the outer edges of your comfort zone in relationships. A few days later, on the autumn equinox, amorous Venus hits your dating zone, lighting up your sex life with sensuality and sweetness.


July 23rd - August 22nd

Get lost in sensuality under the new moon on September 2nd, as this earthy lunation wants you to get in touch with your body and indulge in pleasure. The lunar eclipse two weeks later puts you in your feelings, bringing some deep-buried emotions and desires to a swell. Embrace vulnerability and allow yourself to get more intimate with yourself and your lover(s) as you ring in the autumn equinox and transition into the darker half of the year.

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