November 2022 horoscopes: Emotions run high
But you run higher!

Powerful emotions will be running the show this month. Sometimes waiting them out makes sense, and sometimes you’ll need to address them head on. Read on to find out what your sign will be dealing with.
October 23rd - November 21st
A sweltering sexiness will emerge this month, turning up the heat in your love life. With it will come an emotional intensity that you’ve long desired. But you may find your communication getting a little heated too. The make-up sex may be fire, but remember that not everything needs to be intense, and it’s okay to take a break from time to time.
November 22nd - December 21st
You may find yourself in the midst of some weird energy this month, with tension turning into hot sex and then turning back into tension. It’ll be hard to figure out what tf is going on, especially since your partner may have a very different perspective than you on what’s happening. Things will feel far better from mid-month onward, when you can expect more fun and less weirdness.
December 22nd - January 19th
This month, the emotional energy will be running high, and it may skew your ability to know how to act in relation to others—especially your significant other. It could be that your usual level of honesty is being received as harsh by others in your life right now, too. Though it may seem like you can’t win no matter what you say, you’ll just have to ride the waves and work patiently through misunderstandings as they arise.
January 20th - February 18th
Though jealousy isn’t typically an emotion you spend much time feeling, you may be surrounded by it this month. Others’ attachment styles may feel like they’re dampening your ability to relate freely. Hold strong boundaries and communicate clearly about your needs and wants—it may disappoint some, but honesty is necessary for moving forward in a healthy way.
February 19th - March 20th
On the one hand, you’ll have some luck in your corner in some areas of your life this month. On the other hand, you may have extra problems to deal with in other areas. Expect to pivot several times as you navigate everything being thrown at you. At least your optimism is high right now, so you’ll be able to adjust as needed.
March 21st - April 19th
Emotional intensity will surface for you this month as you try to move forward with your own plans but are thwarted by others. Though it may not be the result of any bad intentions—like in the case of your partner simply having different needs—it may make you feel like you’re being actively blocked. Accepting the relational detours this month and allowing yourself to reroute will be the easiest path forward.
April 20th - May 20th
You can’t take back things you’ve said once you’ve said them. And it’s important to remember that this month when you’re tempted to, well, say those things (you know the ones). Especially to a significant person who’s really gotten on your nerves lately. If you can manage to cool it and not lash out in anger, you might be able to divert that energy toward productively working through things.
May 21st - June 20th
This month all of your energy will be absorbed by one thing, and it may be hard to even think about anything else. Meanwhile, expect to get a lot of advice and opinions from others about what you should do. Taking extra time to work through everything—and maybe even starting over when necessary—is key right now. Remember that all of this work is par for the course when devoting yourself to a job well done.
June 21st -July 22nd
Your emotional side is taking the wheel this month, which could lead to a closer bond between you and a love interest. On the other hand, you could easily have more misunderstandings than usual this month. Speaking your true desires is not only sexy but helpful for bridging the gap and establishing clear communication.
July 23rd - August 22nd
This month, things are at extremes. When it’s hot, it’s REALLY hot. When it’s tough, it’s REALLY tough. And sometimes it’s both at once. Not getting caught up in the drama is key, especially when it comes to your love life. Focus on your self-care and surround yourself with truly supportive people that offer you a safe place to replenish your energy.
August 23rd - September 22nd
Clarity is hard to come by this month, especially in your relationships. Trying to navigate others’ interpretations of events may make you feel disconnected from your own compass. Deep breaths, taking space for yourself, and investing in the things that keep you centered will help. And remember, you don’t always have to do something service-oriented for every person you come in contact with.
September 23rd - October 22nd
Showing up and helping others solve complicated problems is a big part of your life this month. Even when there aren’t clear solutions, simply being there can really help. But because your relationships are likely to be more on the emotional side at this time, you may struggle to keep yourself separate from the sticky emotions of others. Not getting overly attached to any one story is key.
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