August 2022 horoscopes: Ignite your passion
Is it getting hot in here, or is it just us?

As the heat of summer peaks, so too do passions. Read on to find out what’s coming up for your sign.
July 23rd - August 22nd
Though you may have to go back and take care of something important you forgot this month, there will still be time to spare for some extra sexiness in your life right now. A fiery energy is bubbling up inside you, and you are full of burning passion. If you’re dating, now is the time you’re likely to find a partner who can keep up with you. If you’re partnered, you may feel that old spark reigniting in your relationship.
August 23rd - September 22nd
You may find yourself in an annoying position this month as everything from work situations to your living arrangements will require extra focus on your part. It may start to feel like you’re doing a lot of cleanup for other people’s messiness and mistakes. It’s a good month to assert healthy boundaries around what you are and are not available to do, and it’s also a good time to reclaim some of your energy, especially toward the end of the month.
September 23rd - October 22nd
This month, the fiery energy will continue in your relationships, which could either manifest itself in passionate and impulsive adventures or tiffs and squabbles about unimportant details. Creating the calm you so deeply desire may take a bit of extra work, but it’s possible with patience. Things will likely feel a little more peaceful towards the end of the month.
October 23rd - November 21st
Big passions are giving you big feelings this month, which might put you at risk for making some impulsive choices. If you can, try to process your feelings fully before you act. Especially if they are coming from your relationship with your significant other. Taking the time to work through things and bringing patience to hard conversations will be helpful. By the end of the month, it will become even more important that you’re on the same page.
November 22nd - December 21st
Passion and desire will ignite your life this month, leading you to pursue adventures in the form of play and intimacy. You may find yourself exploring within an established relationship or while dating. Either way, you are likely to be too distracted by all the fun you’re having to pay attention to little details, which is something that could come back to bite you at the very end of the month.
December 22nd - January 19th
Though managing lots of moving parts is your strong suit, this month you may have to manage some things that are trickier than you’re used to. Because they involve lots of messy feelings, it may be hard to form a practical strategy for dealing with it all. Though you may be tempted to avoid the mess altogether, instead try expressing a little of your own vulnerability. It could actually help you start down a path towards problem solving.
January 20th - February 18th
Your love life might demand that you come down from your cool Aquarian perch and into the realm of sticky human emotions this month. Otherwise, your significant other or love interest may begin to feel like you’re not really present with them, which may make them feel emotionally abandoned in some way. Though that’s not your intention, you will need to put forth a little extra effort to show that you’re there and available.
February 19th - March 20th
A big shift in material resources may have you rethinking a plan you had already set into motion. Though this change may at first take the wind out of your sails, you’ll feel better once you get some momentum on a new strategy. It’s just important to make sure you’re really thinking through all the details. You’ll thank yourself for it come the end of the month
March 21st - April 19th
You may start this month revisiting missed details related to some of your most important responsibilities, which may leave you feeling a little drained. At least other parts of your life will be on fire right now—especially your love life. Sparks will be flying this month, and you will be able to venture into a kind of sexual expression you haven’t explored before. Enjoy it, because the end of the month will bring a different focus.
April 20th - May 20th
This month will begin with a sudden surge of physical energy, causing you to over-exert yourself on anything you decide to do. While the dramatic increase in your libido that comes with it may be welcome, caution around overextension is needed now. Though you are full of vigor, you could easily overdo it and potentially harm yourself in the long run. The end of the month will bring a more even-keeled energy.
May 21st - June 20th
An urgent situation that arises this month will force you to ground your scattered thoughts into a focused plan. That may be a tall order for you right now, as you’d rather be flirting or distracting yourself with some exciting new thing. But if you don’t buckle down and undertake the problem-solving that is needed right now, you may come to regret it by the end of the month.
June 21st -July 22nd
You are likely to spend this month focused on what needs to get done, including changes around the house and work projects. Just be careful about impulsivity. Making big decisions too quickly this month could result in having to walk things back and start over. It’s a good month to ask a partner or close friend for help in making sure you’re not missing anything, especially when it comes to the significant choices you’ll be making.
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