These birth control coloring pages will calm your nerves
This has been a lot, y'all

It feels like every week we’re saying “phew, wow, this is a lot.” And this week deserves a “PHEW, WOW, THIS REALLY IS A WHOLE LOT.” However you’re feeling right now—anxious, angry, sad, excited, resigned, tired, scared, or anything else—is okay and normal and understandable. And we made you some coloring pages to help you as you process all of those big feelings.
They’re cute as heck AND they’re a little f*ck you to anyone who would like to make birth control harder to get—our favorite combo. Download them here and make sure you use the #ThxBirthControl hashtag if you share your creations on social!

P.S. Need a little more help? Try these sensual practices to help you get grounded.
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