August 2020 horoscopes: Feel the heat

We all respond differently to stress. Some of us shut down sexually, while others feel a strong desire for connection. The last thing any of us needs is to be more stressed than we already were about where we fall on this spectrum. However your sex drive is responding to the state of things right now is completely okay. Read on to get tips (and a heads up about any potential weirdness) for your sign.
July 23rd - August 22nd
This month is going to be HOT for you, Leo. You are fully on fire, and you can look forward to deep physical release in your current relationship. If you’re not in a relationship, you may find yourself on the hunt for a partner who’s got particularly sultry vibes (and here are some tips for socially distant dating to aid you in that effort). Careful not to let your passion make you combative, though. It will be easy this month to create issues out of what are just normal fluctuations in your sex life.
August 23rd - September 22nd
What happens in your sex life this month could be the product of some deep shifts in your romantic relationship(s), like a new arrangement between you and a partner. Though that’s probably ultimately a good thing, it could be a bit of an adjustment as you figure out the best way for both of you to get what you need in the midst of great change. Perfectionist that you are, you will likely obsess over it until you’ve got things just right. Remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day. It’s okay when things change (and even get a little weird) every now and then.
September 23rd - October 22nd
Everybody knows you’re all about balance. That’s why it’s going to be tough for you to realize that your sex life may need to be adjusted to get back into harmony this month. Whether you and your partner are just going through a time where your appetites aren’t matching up, or you keep finding love interests that have different needs than you, finding equilibrium is going to be your challenge for August. Having a trustworthy partner that you can really communicate with will help tons, and as a result, you’ll find balance easiest to achieve with somebody you’ve known for a long time.
October 23rd - November 21st
Finding solid footing in your relationship is of the highest importance to you right now, and sex is a footnote to the other things you are working on in your partnership. Though you wouldn’t typically let sex take a back seat to anything, you are aware of how big a deal the rest of the issues in your relationship are, and you are doing what you can to balance everything. Have faith though—when you do get a chance to revisit the sexy side of things, it’s going to be extra juicy. It’s the icing on the cake to your growth process.
November 22nd - December 21st
You’re feeling a ton of physical fire this month, and it may be hard to think about much besides sex. If you don’t have a consistent sexual partner, you may find yourself swiping a little more frequently than usual. The only thing is that it’s hard to find sex without emotional strings attached this month, and even if you meet somebody new, it may come with above-average complications around both your needs. But if you can navigate that, things should be fairly satisfying.
December 22nd - January 19th
If anything has been troubled in your relationship, this is the month where it will show up in your sex life. Being as open and honest as possible with your partner is the best thing you can do to keep the juices flowing between you. And as you untangle difficulties, you may discover areas where you need a little distance in order to fully digest and integrate what you’re discovering about each other. Though this may seem counterproductive, bear in mind that sometimes things seem to move backward before they go forward.
January 20th - February 18th
You may find your partner needing a level of sexual closeness from you that is a little hard to give right now, given your inner state. It’s not that you are sexually shut down, it’s just that you need a level of detachment in order to get turned on, and you’re feeling like that’s a bit hard to explain to your partner without feeling like an alien robot (which, let’s face it, you kinda feel like half the time anyway). Things may feel a bit easier towards the end of the month, but in the meantime, try to at least communicate the best you can so your partner doesn’t feel rejected and disconnected.
February 19th - March 20th
You are looking for earthy, grounded consistency in your sex life right now, and you may be experiencing challenges coming up around whether you can trust your sexual partner for the deeper commitment you need. Though this could potentially create emotional strife, the key is opening up and letting your partner understand some of that super sensitive Pisces vulnerability, rather than shutting down. Being real, raw, and open about what you need and inviting your partner to do the same may be the only ingredient you need to get passions running high again.
March 21st - April 19th
Your sex drive is running high right now. You may even be bordering on obsessed with sex. If you’re having it, then you’re obsessed with keeping it going. If you’re not having it, you may be obsessed with why not. Simply put, you’re feeling very physical right now, and you feel a strong desire to break through any barriers that are standing between you and satisfaction. Watch out for anger that may come up if you find yourself feeling unnecessarily blocked. It’s important to have other outlets too, like creative pursuits or other physical activities, to help tone that fire down and give you some patience for the process.
April 20th - May 20th
Though part of you is craving comforting, cozy, routine sex with a familiar partner right now, you are also feeling a physical itch you may not know how to scratch. You might be able to hit the spot by asking your partner to engage in a little more experimentation, or you may need to out of that Taurusy rut in some other way. Sex may be a journey of integrating some deeper growth, change, and exploration for you right now, and it’s okay if that doesn’t all come together overnight.
May 21st - June 20th
Though there will be plenty of opportunities for you to have hot, fiery sex this month, there may also be a lot of heavier emotional issues coming up between you and your partner. Though you are willing to deal with anything in order to keep things flowing smoothly, you might also have to fight an escapist impulse. The sex will really improve if you hang in there and work on things with your partner instead of bailing on the heavy stuff.
June 21st - July 22nd
Your sex life will be a very powerful force in your life this month, but it will also be complicated. You may find that the key themes in your love life (including sex) are drawing you towards deep evolution. Right now, your sex life can range from wild experimentation to moody repression and everything in between. What it looks like is a reflection of your inner emotional state. Though it may be hard to communicate fully about your needs to your partner, it’s a good idea to talk about what you can when you can, so that they can learn to trust your process.
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