Your 2020 horoscopes: The year in preview

The end of the year is always bittersweet. We remember the growth, the deepened relationships, and the steps forward just as we do the setbacks, the losses, and the lows. This year, as we say goodbye to one decade and welcome in a new one, that feeling is magnified. We’re looking within as we reflect on all that we’ve learned over the past decade and all the ways we want to do better in the new one. And as always, we’re looking to the stars to get in sync with what the universe has in mind for us.

What to expect in 2020: You have undergone a huge amount of transformation over the past couple of years. It’s been no small feat. Everything from your relationships to your career to your sexuality has grown and shifted in a huge way. And this year, you are going to reap the rewards for all the hard work you’ve done. Get ready to enjoy some hard-earned stability in a key relationship, or to meet the kind of down-to-earth love interest you’ve long been looking for. Plus get ready for some long pleasure-filled nights!
Key dates: If you’re in a relationship in the middle of March, you are likely to be in deep when it comes to the intimacy you’re sharing. If you’re single at this time, you may find yourself attracting the love interest of your dreams. At the end of November, expect to solidify something new with a partner. It’ll be your all-year high for deep relating.
January forecast: This is a powerful time for growth in every aspect of your life. If you’ve been waiting to see a big career investment come to fruition, now is the time to watch it grow. And when it comes to love, all of the hard work you’ve put into your relationship over the last few months is definitely beginning to pay off. You are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s bringing the promise of greater fulfillment in all of the things that you most care about.

What to expect in 2020: You sense that big things are coming, and you’re not wrong. You’re entering a new, more dramatic phase of your journey. Whether that will involve your relationship, career, or some other big life pursuit, this year will be a time of transition between dreaming and action. What are you manifesting? What kind of relationship are you waiting for? Where do you want to take your career? The answers to these questions will begin to reveal themselves throughout this year. Meanwhile, new questions will arise about whether you really want to work towards your current goals or not.
Key dates: Early April will be the most important time of year for you to focus on a major project you’ve been working on. You are going to be putting a ton of energy towards it in the rest of 2020, and it’ll be important to make sure you have a solid foundation. June will be an important month for your love life. Though on the surface, you may feel a little confused, your heart is going to be speaking loudly during this time. Remember to drop from your head into your heart, Aquarius.
January forecast: Though you’re definitely hustling, you are also finding time to really enjoy life right now. Not everybody can balance the demands of life and find time for the things that make them feel the most alive, but you certainly can. Whether it be eccentric dates or unusual adventures, you are going to be doing many of the things that make your Aquarian heart sing this month.

What to expect in 2020: In the past, you’ve gone through times where it’s felt next to impossible to accomplish everything you’ve dreamed of doing. But this year, all of that will change. You’re bringing a deeper sense of responsibility and confidence to your life than ever before, and you’re going to teach all of us just what “showing up” is. This year, you will transcend challenges and manifest the success you so desire in your important relationships, your career, and in all other areas of life.
Key dates: Early March will be a rock-solid time for all the things you care most about. Your love life should feel sensual and warm, and work will be well on track for the success you’re aiming for. Enjoy it! May will be an important time to make sure you don’t lose sight of all that you’ve accomplished so far in 2020. Though you may be getting mixed signals from the universe at this time, keep pushing through.
January forecast: You will definitely hit the ground running at the beginning of the new year. The demands will be piled high, and some of them you will have brought on yourself. You are out to prove that you can really do this. But while you’re putting all your energy into one area of your life, are other parts of your well-being, like your sex life, suffering? Remember to slow down and take care of yourself or you’ll burn out before you even get going. This year will be a marathon, not a sprint.

What to expect in 2020: You’ve definitely been hustling over the past few years, but this year, you are going for a big final push on something you’ve been working towards for a long time. The good news is that you’re likely to see some big results, whether it be in your relationship or your career. But keep in mind that those results may not look exactly how you imagined they would. This year will contain moments that feel like detours, but remember that for you, Aries, the only way out is through.
Key dates: September will be all about rerouting. Your love life, your career focus, and/or your relationship may take a detour from what you were expecting. And that doesn’t have to be scary! You just have to embrace the unexpected and keep bringing your unfailing optimism to the situation. The end of December will be a high point for you. You’ll enjoy hot energy between you and your love interest and you’ll also feel major momentum in your career.
January forecast: Your career, relationship, and any other important life pursuits will require inner steel and focus in the first month of 2020. Though you prefer to headbutt your way through life as opposed to applying calm focus, it’s important that you slow your roll a bit and make sure you’re building strong foundations for everything you’re pursuing. In fact, you’ll experience the results of too much headbutting this month, as you’ll end up having to redo something on an important project and correct a tricky misstep in your love life.

What to expect in 2020: Big changes are coming! Okay, we know that “change” isn’t exactly your favorite word, but the good news is that this year will also bring fresh energy to your relationships. Also, not all change is bad—when it’s happening for the right reasons, it can actually be stabilizing. So don’t worry about sudden catastrophe. Instead work on embracing the areas where you’re being asked to do things a little differently. Trust that this year will bring huge rewards to you (and to your love life) if you can go with the flow.
Key dates: The second half of March will be an earthy, hot, sensual time for your love life. If you are in a relationship, you’ll be focused during this time on building your world together, and for you, making solid plans is a major turn on. If you’re not in a relationship, you’ll be attracting love interests that are strong and focused like you are. The end of August will likely bring returns on an important investment—maybe your relationship or maybe a project you’ve been throwing everything into. Whatever it is, you’ve earned it!
January forecast: This is a big month for getting sh*t done. Right now, you are mainly focused on investing in things that will yield long-term returns, and that means that you are deriving a lot more pleasure than usual from hard work. This bodes well for your love life, which will benefit from the extra work and attention. Have faith in the future and know that you are working towards greatness.

What to expect in 2020: If you’ve been flitting about like a butterfly, not landing on anything substantial, this year that may change. You are about to go through a time of stripping away the superficial to find what’s real underneath, and that’s definitely going to affect your love life. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be as heavy as it sounds. It’s just that in between all the flirtation, stimulation, and sparkling banter, you’re going to be searching for something more. Remember: deep connection requires vulnerability, and vulnerability requires bravery, Gemini. You can do this.
Key dates: In April, there may be a super important romantic connection that forms, or you may find yourself taking things to the next level with your partner. It’s important to know that this person checks all your non-negotiable boxes, though. The next month may test you both. The end of September will be an important time of the year for speaking your truth, especially in the bedroom. If there are any sexual shifts that you need to talk to your partner about, September is the time. It will set the tone for the last part of the year.
January forecast: Despite the freezing weather, this could be a sizzling time for your love and sex life. If you’ve been spending time with a love interest you met through work, you’re both going to be tempted to explore more with each other than those TPS reports. If you’re dating somebody outside of the office, it may be tempting to drop the ball on work entirely and lose yourself in a fantasy world of pleasure and fun. Either way, just make sure somebody is keeping an eye on reality.

What to expect in 2020: Your love life has been tumultuous, to say the least. You’re stronger than people realize, and you’ve done the work to make whatever changes you needed to make, but you are also ready for a break. The good news is that this year you will be feeling a lot more positivity as you move forward into some brand new opportunities. Luck is on your side, and everything from your relationships to your career will benefit from a big tone change. Get ready, Cancer. You’ve earned it.
Key dates: At the end of April, expect to feel a big release of pressure, like something huge has shifted. You’ll suddenly find yourself excited for what’s coming. You may have a significant breakthrough in your love life (perhaps one you’ve been waiting a long time for), which will help you towards the bright future you are anticipating. Early June will be a hot time of year for your sex life! There will be an emotional, dreamy energy between you and your love interest, and it will make for some serious passion between the sheets. (Just take care to also be conscientious about the role you’ve given yourself in your love life at this time.)
January forecast: It may seem like your partner or love interest is overly obsessed with work right now. Or maybe you are. Either way, the tyranny of the urgent is disrupting the natural flow of your relationship. Though a fight might develop over it, there’s also an undercurrent of sweet romance that’s there for you to tap into. Remember the deep emotional connection you have with them, and let yourself fall into a vulnerable and intimate space in order to work things out quickly.

What to expect in 2020: You’ve gotten far in life through your charm and social skills. (And of course, we’re all jealous. How do you do it?) But this year, the tone will change a bit when more elbow-grease than winning smile is needed from you to make the magic happen. It’s time to put in the effort to show what you’re made of and to prove to others that you want to see your relationship and career thrive long-term. You definitely have what it takes to come out on top, but the question is, can you put in the work?
Key dates: Something really important will begin for you in April. You are suddenly going to become aware of something in life that will require all your focus. Now is the time to forge a plan that will carry you through the rest of the year. In the second half of November, you may feel your sexual energy suddenly waking up after a period of dormancy. Make the most of it.
January forecast: Though you may be putting in all kinds of hours at the office, you will also find yourself needing to get some energy out this month. Swiping right on an active date with somebody new or getting out on a new adventure with your partner may be just the ticket for after-work release. Or maybe long hours between the sheets are just what you need. However you decide to blow off steam, this is definitely not the time to stay static.

What to expect in 2020: This year will bring new levels of deep exploration to your relationship. So much so, in fact, that you may be forced to question your modest, quiet Virgo tastes. You are definitely one who likes to hold out for the perfect relationship, but it hasn’t always been easy for you to take on the work required to get to one. This year, you will make a deep, sexy connection, and doing the hard work will feel easy. This combination will bring you a relationship like you’ve never experienced before in your life. Get ready for your dreams to come true!
Key dates: The end of March will bring a super-hot moment in your sex life! Get ready for the best sex of your life. In the middle to end of November, you’ll get the confirmation you’ve been waiting for that you’re on the right path at work. You may find yourself receiving a raise, promotion, or some other form of recognition for what you’ve accomplished.
January forecast: Though everybody around you seems be drowning at work this month, you’ll be keeping your head above water. In fact, you may even be killing it. At the same time, this month will test your resolve in your career and possibly in your relationship as well. Stay organized and don’t forget to over-communicate. But also remember that you need time to recharge in order to stay healthy. It’s okay for even the ultimate “I got this” person to set it down every now and then.

What to expect in 2020: Though putting others first, focusing on your love life, and floating on a pink pleasure cloud are your preferred states of being, you are now at a point in life where you are seeking a solid foundation. Even though you are in no way irresponsible, you are suddenly aware of all the ways in which you are in need of stability along with the highs of romance and pleasure, and it will definitely shift your focus this year. Though at times you may worry that what you’re looking for is too much, never fear. You are well on your way to the fulfillment you’ve been seeking.
Key dates: Mid-April will be a hot time of your year for escaping the office and being the flirtatious social butterfly you love to be! If you’re excited about dating, this should be a great time for you to attract exactly what you’ve been looking for. The end of November will be a time of calm after what may have been a lot of hard work, focus, and change over the previous few months. This will definitely be a time to enjoy all the beauty life has to offer with your partner, or to get out there and enjoy dating.
January forecast: This month, you’ll have your nose to the grindstone as you catch up on a few projects you’ve been neglecting. Your love interest may feel a little distant, perhaps also absorbed in work. Your challenge is to keep balance in all things right now, and to take time to enjoy life while continuing to focus on the big stuff. The good news is that you’ll accomplish a ton this month, and you will see a huge payoff in all areas of your life.

What to expect in 2020: You’ve always had the edge, because you know what you’re here for and exactly how to get it. This year, you’ll have the opportunity to take all that ambition to the next level. 2020 holds great promise for your status and accomplishment in the world, and heaven help the poor soul who tries to stand in your way. But remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Are you (and your relationship) able to withstand the demands that will be placed on you? Only time will tell.
Key dates: If you’ve been waiting for the right time to take things to the next level in your love life, March will bring it. This will also be a rewarding time for a project you’re working on at work. If there was a certain intensity to the energy around you earlier in the year, by mid to late November, everything will feel much calmer. You’re going to be feeling good about where you are financially, and it should be a time of growth for your love life.
January forecast: You may be feeling cautious about going deeper with a love interest right now. It’s not that you’re trying to withhold, it’s just that you take the future so seriously that you want to be very, very sure before making any serious commitments. You may also want to know that a potential partner cares as much about success as you do, and you may be testing them a little bit to make sure that they’re committed to more than just you. It’s good to know what you want, Scorpio, but be careful about testing people who you wouldn’t want to see walk away.

What to expect in 2020: After a year of the world opening up for you, with new opportunities presenting themselves left and right, now is the time to take what’s come through and make practical use of it. Is it time to start a business? Teach? Start executing on plans for a new career path? No matter what this will look like, it’ll be a turning point for you and your closest relationship. This year is the year you’re really going to listen to your inner guidance and begin to make your dreams a reality.
Key dates: Pay attention for a major opportunity in early April. It’s going to have big effect on the rest of your year. It may also take you on a journey that will combine work with pleasure. January will be a hot time of year for your sex life. Just remember to make room for some emotional tenderness in the midst of it all. You may even find that a little romance actually enhances the passion.
January forecast: You aren’t just working hard right now, you are also concocting some big plans for the future. Are you dreaming up a new career project? Are you setting new financial goals? Whatever it is, you are out to get to the next rung of the ladder, and it’s got you focused AF on everything you need to get done. Just remember that this may seem like a sudden tone change to your love interest or partner, so communication is going to be key this month to avoid hurt feelings and misunderstandings.
XOXO, Bedsider
P.S. Catch up on the latest news about birth control and sexual health with our monthly roundup of our favorite articles.
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