August horoscopes: It's going to be hot, wet, and sticky, and we're not just talking about the weather

Whether you’re in your element in the hot weather or you’re daydreaming about PSL season already, there’s no denying that the heat brings a certain sultry vibe with it. And as the weather reaches a crescendo this month, so will your sex life. Find out what’s in store for your sign in the bedroom:
This. Is. Your. Time! This month, your sex life is going to be passionate, playful, and downright delicious. The lead-up to sex will be full of romance and dramatic displays of affection, and when you finally get between the sheets, the sex will be mind-blowing. Luckily, your partner will be able to match your lion-sized appetite, and you can expect to feel utterly worshipped in bed. If you manage to make it out of the bedroom, this is also going to be a great month to engage in some sensual workouts that can supplement your confidence in bed, like pole dancing, aerial silks, burlesque, or really anything that brings out your inner performer. The sweat and the endorphins will also keep your fire stoked.
Though you may have your nose to the grindstone in most areas of your life right now, you can’t deny that a budding romance is lighting a fire inside you. This month, expect this new relationship to be arousing, steamy, and definitely distracting while you’re supposed to be working on reports at the office. You just can’t wait to really let loose, and that’s a big deal for you. The energy between you and your love interest may have to build a bit before you take things further, but when it does, it will have been worth the wait. Trust us.
You have been pouring everything into your work, and you’ve have had so little energy left for relationships (let alone sex) that you may be feeling slightly down. But a sudden shift will re-awaken your libido and balance your priorities this month. Heads up though: it may come from an unexpected place. (Maybe a friend suddenly confesses their love for you? Or you meet somebody out of left field at a party?) However the change comes, it’s going to be sudden and hot. Though this may be one of those situations that doesn’t perfectly meet your love life ideals, you may want to try letting yourself be in the moment completely.
Though you’ll be feeling hot as hell this month, you may experience some frustration in releasing your energy the way that you need to. Ultimately, you and your partner are speaking two different languages right now. What they see as intimacy, you see as superficial. (You are, after all, MADE for depth). You want to scratch an itch that’s way under the surface. Though it won’t be easy, it is possible to get there with your partner through some deeper digging. And don’t worry. You’ll be able to get what you want with greater ease come the end of the month.
Get ready because the getting is going to be good this month. Adventure awaits you, and it’s the playful kind that feeds your fiery spirit. You and your partner may find yourselves playing late into the night at parties, clubs, or other events before finally tumbling into bed together at the end of the night (or early in the morning), and you’re all about it. Just be careful as the end of the month approaches, because the party may suddenly end. If you haven’t kept an eye on your responsibilities, there could be some consequences.
You are so boss at everything you take on that you can sometimes come across as a bit serious or formal. When it comes to sex, you may have noticed that it takes you a while to let your guard down, heat up, and let go. Lately, the intimacy you’ve been sharing with your love interest has required you to go into more and more vulnerable territory, which may be making you a bit nervous. You can’t control where this exploration may take you, and that’s part of the power of intimacy. But towards the end of this month, powerful chemistry will help you fully let your hair down. (And here’s the best news: this is all just a warm-up for September!)
You may find your sex life to be an exercise in opposites this month. Your love interest is totally different from you, and they’re going to help you discover new things about your body, your desires, and your needs. It may be stimulating and exciting, and it may meet your need to have out-of-the-box experiences, but at times it may also be frustrating. You’ll probably have to be extra communicative with your partner about your physical needs, because you don’t speak the same body language. Don’t worry, though—you will definitely reach a new level of sexual liberation through this union!
Your sensitivity and idealism both extend to your sex life. You want a sexual partnership that’s grounded in a spiritual and emotional connection, which is not the easiest thing to find and a lot of work to maintain. This month, you may be dealing with a higher than normal level of sensitivity from your sexual partner, and that could have you feeling a little hesitant about the idea of sex. It’s definitely possible to heat things back up, it’ll just take a little extra work to bridge the gap between your different sets of expectations. Remember to communicate from a vulnerable place and avoid suppressing your feelings.
Though you’re going to be hustling hard this month, you won’t be too tired at the end of the day to make time for some fun between the sheets. Sex throughout this month will be fiery, passionate, and a total reprieve from the rest of life’s insanity. Though hot and intense is definitely your preferred sexual style, be careful about letting that fire spread to other areas of life. Full-blown passion can come with full-blown arguments, and you’re not known for backing down. Rather than fighting fire with fire, remember to cool down every now and then.
Sex is at its best when there’s a balance of give and take. And right now, one of those may be out of balance. If you’ve been focused on your partner’s pleasure, and meanwhile your desires are going unfulfilled, it may be time to gently broach the subject. Emphasis on “gentle,” though. This month, it’s going to be all too easy to strike a tone of fiery self-righteousness, and to ride roughshod over the more delicate nuances in your relationship. If there’s any difficulty, don’t worry—things should feel far smoother for you by the end of the month.
This month, sex takes the tone you most enjoy: FUN. You are attracting love interests with your super-flirtatious vibe right now. And if you decide to knock boots with one or more of them, the sex will be vigorous, fiery, and playful. You will be breathless and spent at the end of a sesh together, and the easy, happy quality of your union will feel all but addictive. Even though the vibe may be fun and lighthearted, are you in touch with the emotional exchange that’s happening below the surface of your sex life? The month’s end may require a deeper dive into the realms of the heart.
Sometimes you enjoy sex that’s all about fun and play. Other times, you require deep emotional intimacy. This month, it’s more the latter. You may be navigating some intense life territory right now, and your sex life will reflect that tone. You will need your partner to hold big space for your big emotions this month. What’s awesome about this time is that you are building trust in a way that you’ve never felt before, and it’s creating a powerful new bond between you two. And don’t worry—the tone should lighten a little by the end of the month.
P.S. Thinking about getting an IUD but not sure which one to get or even what all your options are? Check out our guide to figuring out which IUD is right for you.
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