July horoscopes: Practicing the best self-care for your sign

Now that it’s officially summer, and the days are as long as they’ll ever be, you may find yourself feeling like you have more time on your hands than you normally do. But before you jump to sign up for a pottery class, take some time to check out how best to practice self-care for your sign right now. It may not look how you would think.
Feeling drained at work? You’ve been putting a lot into that area of your life, and you may be a little discouraged by just how slow-going things are. Though there are many ways you can recharge your Cancer battery, what you may need most this month is to reconnect with your self-care by shaking up your beauty routine. Try that holographic highlighter you’ve been eyeing. Or try going bare-faced if makeup is usually your thing. Whatever it takes to remind you of that truly glowing, seductive quality you have. You may be surprised by how energizing it is and how that boost can reinvigorate other areas of your life.
More than most, you understand that giving to others is just as fulfilling as giving to yourself. And this month, you may find that to be especially true. Even though you definitely have your own needs, you’ll have a surplus of resources (emotional and otherwise) this month, and it’s going to be truly nourishing to you to share. As you give, you are going to find that you are receiving just as much back, if not more. Meanwhile, don’t be surprised if you’re the beneficiary of someone else’s generosity towards the end of the month.
This month, you may find yourself feeling blocked. Every time you try to have some pleasure or fun, it’s just a little less good than it normally would be due to an oppressive sense of duty hanging over your head. You could try yoga, dancing, or some other physical activity, but the best way to get out of your head and into your body is going to be a little solo playtime. Maybe invest in a new toy or try some new techniques. Just let yourself go, and watch as a little extra joy shows up in other areas of your life as well.
Extra recognition at work will give you a morale boost this month. You are finally going to be acknowledged for all you’ve been putting in, and it’ll start to feel like it’s been worth the effort. At the same time, some difficulties in your home life will keep your mind in problem-solving mode. Ask yourself this: while you’re stressing out over taking care of everyone else, who’s stressing out over taking care of you? Can you compromise your need to make others happy with your need for self-care? This month may force you to. You’ll thank yourself for it later.
This month, expect to feel a strong need for escape. You’ve been hustling, and you need to know there is a break for you on the horizon. Though you’d rather do it sooner than later, this month may not be the best time to get out of dodge. Instead, you should definitely invest in your self-care by making a vacation plan for the near future. (Our advice? Consider a solo vacation. Solitude would work wonders for you right now.)
You may find yourself with extra energy this month and feel compelled to use it to take care of business, but don’t shut yourself in for too long. This is a great time to play with some new forms of movement. The more self-expressive the better. Whether that means stretching every morning or taking up aerial silks is up to you, just use this movement as an opportunity to tune in to yourself and tune out the world, and you’ll end this month feeling refreshed.
Though you may not want to admit it, you could use some positive reinforcement and recognition right now. So give it to yourself! Take some time this month to take stock of all that you’ve accomplished, which is a lot. In fact, it’s more than a lot of people put together. Make a list of all the goals you’ve had for yourself in the past year and note your progress on each one. Surprised by how far you’ve gotten? We’re not. You are the most boss overachiever in the zodiac. You’ve been kicking ass since day 1. Be gentle on yourself. That’s what you need most right now.
Your need to rebel against the status quo will be stronger than usual this month (and that’s saying something!). Expect to be extra allergic to any kind of repression, perceived or real. Though this may be a subtle inner state, it might also have dramatic results. For example, you may need some serious changes to your work and play flow. As an act of self-care, do you need to ask your manager if you can work in a different way than you have been? Do you need to talk to your lover about switching things up? Or do you maybe just need to do something creative? Whatever it is, you can’t just ignore it. Speaking up for your needs may be met with a little resistance, but ultimately you will likely get what you want.
Some crazy stuff is blowing up your social circle right now. And although you are typically an amazing listener and shoulder to cry on, you are not the world’s best at boundaries. Which means other people’s drama sometimes bleeds into your life. This emotional stress may be taking up space you’d usually allot to self-care (and btw, you need more self-care than you think you do). Your regularly scheduled Pisces programming definitely requires you to unplug from others’ needs and give yourself some solitary time to recharge. This is a good time to do that, and while you’re at it, set some healthy boundaries with your friends.
Work is crazy right now. And home may not even necessarily be an escape from the pressure. Weirdness with someone in or close to your home may be waiting for you the moment you get in the front door, and that’s definitely not giving you the kind of end-of-the-day renewal you need. Your self-care this month will look like finding sanctuary at all costs. Whether you need to go to a partner’s house, a friend’s house, or your mom’s house for some proper rest, it doesn’t matter. Just find a safe place to replenish and take care of yourself.
You’ve been working super hard on something that just may not be panning out. Whether it’s a relationship, a project, or a big plan, you’re going to find yourself revising your goals and expectations this month. Though that may be a bummer, it could also be an opportunity to check whether you’ve actually exhausted yourself trying to make it happen. Maybe the silver lining is that now you have an opportunity to take a much-needed break and take care of yourself. Take it easy and replenish yourself, Taurus-style. (You know: good food, soft cuddles, and comfy blankets.)
Sometimes, self-care also extends to your stuff. And you, Gemini, tend to be a little flighty with your stuff. Especially your money. Could your finances use a little tightening up? This month’s self-care should probably center around your bank account. Going-going-going and jumping from thing to thing has set you back a little bit financially, and now is as good a time as any to really get organized. And the sooner, the better. If you do it early in the month, you’ll thank yourself for it when some unforeseen expenses show up towards the end of the month.
P.S. Ever wonder why so many people have opinions about your boobs and what you should or shouldn’t do with them? So does Virgie Tovar.
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