February horoscopes: You can't furlough love

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, it’s all about love and sex (and who are we kidding, candy) right now. Read on to find out what’s in store for your sign this month.
It’s your season! Which makes now a great time to ramp up your self-expression in all areas of your life. In particular, it’s an ideal time to really let your freak flag fly in your love life. You didn’t come here to be like everybody else, and you definitely need a relationship that’s as unique as you. If you’ve found yourself in a rut romantically or sexually lately, now’s the time to work on it. Travelling somewhere unusual, even if just for a weekend, is a great first step. Maybe a Valentine’s Day trip is in the cards? Just make sure you’re both communicating your expectations. Things could get a little messy towards the end of the month if you and your partner aren’t on the same page.
Your sensitivity is a gift, but it sometimes feels more like a curse. One relationship in particular may be sucking up a lot of your energy right now. Though you’re really into this person, and you want to make it work, you also need to preserve some energy for your long-term goals. You don’t want to resent this person (or have any regrets) down the line because they distracted you from what you wanted to achieve. Finding balance between work and love seems to be the key this month. If you are out of balance in either direction, it’s time to take a hard look at what your priorities are and what your next steps need to be. At the very least, it may be time for a serious conversation about what you need in order to feel supported.
Whether you are looking forward to Valentine’s Day or dreading it, luck will be on your side when it comes to love this month. Your fiery charm is magnetic and alluring to all kinds of potential admirers. If you’re already in a relationship, you may be working through some love matters that require maturity (especially around the beginning of the month). But no matter how tough it gets, your willingness to show up and grow up will be rewarded.
For you, love is a serious affair. Especially right now. Expect some intense conversations this month between you and your partner about what kind of future you’re working towards. This could set the tone for Valentine’s Day to be a bit less lighthearted than usual. If you’re not in a relationship, you may find yourself taking the screening process for potential love interests more seriously than you have in the past. You definitely want to make a solid investment, and your Taurus patience will come in handy as you weed out the non-contenders.
Your options are super plentiful in your love life right now. If you’re just having fun, you will find no shortage of people who will stimulate you emotionally and physically. The hard part will come in if you’re trying to decide on just one partner (especially if your captivating charms have caused more than one person to confess their love to you). Give it a little time, just make sure you communicate while you do so. If you’re invested in a relationship already, you may find that your dynamic with your partner is especially lighthearted and adventurous at this time. Make the most of it by planning some fun (indoor) dates this month.
Sometimes you just have to prioritize life’s grueling demands above your heart’s more tender needs, and the past few months have definitely been one of those times. You are majorly in need of some extra heart nourishment right now. This is a great month to open up more deeply to your partner about your needs. Do it as soon as possible, but definitely by the end of the month. If you are not in a committed partnership, but you’re currently dating, this is a good time to coyly invite your love interest to really bring their V-day game. (And maybe make it clear that the way to your oh-so-sweet Cancer heart is definitely through your stomach.)
You are drawing lots of attention right now. You are radiating positive energy, and potential love interests can’t keep their eyes off you. The only thing to watch out for is your tendency to overdo it right now. You’re dramatic AF, and your grand Valentine’s Day gestures may be a bit overwhelming for the one you’re interested in. Not that you shouldn’t be yourself (as if that’s even possible), but it could be that a slightly subtler expression of your feelings would be closer to what the object of your desire really wants. Then again, if your big personality scares them off, you may need a partner who is more comfortable with lion-sized affection.
You’re pretty cautious about letting people into your heart, and you will definitely be doing some serious thinking this month about who you’re investing your time in. Like, more than usual. (Which is saying a lot.) But you are also feeling a need to be in the moment and have fun. Can you find a balance that allows you to let loose while still addressing your more serious concerns? It could be that there’s somebody in your life who represents one of these sides more than the other. Though it’s your default setting to overanalyze things, you may want to let your heart speak a bit louder than your mind on this one.
Something in your love life may be requiring extra patience from you right now. Ever the diplomat, you are definitely capable of waiting on the timing of others when necessary. But you may also be getting discouraged if too much time is going by without a solution. This might be a good time to take a break from the problem at hand and create a romantic reprieve between you and your partner, perhaps with a nice weekend away. Chances are, things will suddenly shift towards clarity and a deeper connection before the end of the month.
Good news, Scorpio. This month, your love life is all about pleasure. Your pleasure. But that doesn’t mean mindless boot-knocking. We’re talking about a deep emotional connection mixed with super-hot, passionate sex. This killer combo may have you wanting to turn your connection into a deeper commitment. Perhaps it’s time to have a conversation about taking things to the next level? Maybe if you go all out for Valentine’s Day, a conversation about the next step will unfold naturally.
Everything that makes you sparkle is shining extra brightly this month, Sagittarius. You are definitely drawing lots of positive attention to yourself. Love interests can’t help but be completely smitten by the effortless way you make them laugh. It’s a great time to be you, and whether you’re in a relationship or seeking one out, things are bound to go well for you this month. The only thing to be careful about is overextending yourself right now, especially around Valentine’s Day. If you promise more than you can deliver, it could come back to bite you (and not in a sexy way).
It’s a good thing that you do serious so well, because your life isn’t super lighthearted right now. Not that that’s necessarily a bad thing! You’re just more into your hustle than usual, and it’s got you all tied up in conquering your goals. That focus is definitely bleeding into your love life and making you extra intentional about your choices. Just don’t forget to mix a little fun into the serious conversation you’re planning on having with your partner about the future. It will remind you why you’re together in the first place.
P.S. Looking for a new method in the new year? Check out our method explorer to see what your options are.
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