Fact or fiction
Displaying 1-12 of 26
articles tagged “fact or fiction”

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
Itchy situation
Are there physical signs that indicate someone has an STI?

Is there really a set of rules for getting an IUD?

Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Keep on suckin'
Do you even need birth control if you’re breastfeeding?

Pregnancy & fertility
Baby basics
Trust us: Sperm will find a way.

Things we do for love
Are IUDs worth it? (The answer is yes.)

Pregnancy & fertility
Too close 4 comfort
If you’re having sex without birth control, it’s just a matter of time…

Pregnancy & fertility
Jump to conclusions
What happens if you go at it like bunnies then hop around?

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STDs, STIs)
Downtown date
If you only stick to oral sex, can you still get an STI?

Pregnancy & fertility
Third time's a charm
Does he ever run out of sperm?

Latex ex
Does he really need to lose the latex and go condom-free? We think not.

Double bragging
Are two condoms better than one?

Pregnancy & fertility
Death tub
Will all that chlorine in the water keep you from getting pregnant?

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Find a method that fits your body and your life with our interactive method explorer.
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