Birth Control

Hear real people share their very real experiences with different methods of birth control.
Feb 08, 2017
Ellie is on her second Mirena IUD. Her first insertion was painful but worth it—she didn’t notice any side effects and loved not having a period. Ellie was better prepared for her second IUD insertion, and that time around was a breeze.
Ellie’s been in a relationship for 12 years. She and her partner agree that now isn’t the time for a pregnancy, but they like knowing that when they’re ready, the IUD removal will be quick and easy.
How do you feel about this article?

Does it hurt to get an IUD?
"You know, you kinda have to bear through it until your uterus is like, 'okay, we're friends, we're gonna work together.'"

Tika, 19, IUD
"Honestly, I think it’s so worth it."

Lindsay, 30, IUD
"I never even think about it being there."

Mal, 30, IUD
"Take care of your vaginal health as much as you can."

Johanna, 28, IUD and emergency contraception
"The likes far outweigh the don’t likes."