Birth Control
Fertility awareness methods
Hear real people share their very real experiences with different methods of birth control.
Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Angela, 22, fertility awareness methods
"I like that it forces you to get in tune with your own body.
Jan 05, 2010
Angela, a stay-home mom of one, has been using fertility awareness since giving birth to her daughter. She’s been tracking her periods and learning when in her cycle she’s most fertile.
Rather than using condoms (or another barrier method), Angela chooses to not have sex during her most fertile times. She feels closer to her partner and enjoys sex more without a condom, so she’d just rather wait until she’s in the clear.
Angela knows that fertility awareness can be less reliable than hormonal methods of birth control, but she’s sticking with it, tracking her cycles as accurately as she can.
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Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Andre, 29, fertility awareness
"Fertility tracking is free… it doesn’t cost a thing."
Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Lindsay, 20, fertility awareness methods
"I've been charting and tracking for about three years."
Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)
Rachel, 26, fertility awareness methods
"It doesn't mean "sexless" during those "unsafe" days."