Eating, drinking, and boot knocking: Nutrition hacks for better sex

Has this happened to you?

You’re on a date and you order something delicious—like the vegan scramble (with mimosas) or a deluxe burger and fries (with a peanut butter shake) or a beet and goat cheese salad (with a glass of wine)—then, when the meal’s over and you’re ready to go home for some serious sexcapades, you feel too bloated and busy digesting to enjoy any romance.

Well, if you’ve ever postponed sex because you felt uncomfortable after eating or drinking, here are a few tips to keep you feeling good and in the mood.

What to eat and drink

Everyone is different, so you’ll have to see what works for you:

  • Tofu, dairy, beans, soda, canned soup, and frozen meals may cause bloaty belly. Avoid them, says author and celeb nutritionist Kimberly Snyder.

  • Many restaurants reheat pasta, rice, and potatoes before they serve them, which can also trigger digestive issues.

  • Choose cooked veggies over raw ones. They are easier to digest. Actually, here’s a list of nine foods that help curb bloating, including asparagus, green tea, and ginger.

  • Sorry, but the bubbles in champagne can also cause bloating. Beer too.

  • According to the Mayo Clinic, fat delays stomach emptying, so try to avoid high fat foods if you want to keep your stomach from feeling too stuffed. They also have a list of gas-producing food you might not want to eat on a date.

  • Avoid gum too. You may want fresh breath after eating, but chewing gum makes you swallow more air, which can poof your stomach out. Sucking on cigarettes or using a straw can also cause air to build up in your stomach. (But straws are far less dangerous than cigarettes, so think about quitting smokes first.)

  • Oatmeal, papaya, and quinoa are good choices to reduce bloating.

When—and how—to eat and drink

These tips may help you feel better all day long, not just during or after a meal:

  • In the morning and continuing through the whole day, drink water with some lemon squeezed into it. It helps with constipation, flushes sodium (and its associated puffiness) out of your system, and the lemon helps with digestion.

  • But don’t drink any liquids with your food. Some experts suggest leaving a 20-minute gap before and after a meal so your stomach acids can do their thing without getting diluted.

  • Eat slowly. That gives your body time to process food better as you go.

  • If there are certain foods that always cause your stomach distress and you want to eat them anyway, try eating much smaller portions. That may help you tolerate them better.

Now that you’ll be able to dine well, drink well, and love well, make sure your birth control can keep up with you.


P.S. IUDs are getting more and more popular. Considering one? Our step-by-step guide can help you decide.

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