Good to know: Questions you should ask your gyno

We like it when you’re healthy, happy, and well informed. That’s why we’re sharing a few questions you might want to ask your gynecologist at your next visit. Think of this as a cheat sheet you can bring along to find out what’s really going on down there.
Questions about birth control
- Should I be on a more reliable birth control method?
- What are my best contraceptive options?
- How and when should I adjust my birth control if I want to get pregnant in the near future?
Questions about your menstrual cycle
- What should I do about an irregular period or painful period?
- Can you help me alleviate severe PMS?
- Should I consider birth control that reduces the number of cycles I have each year?
Questions about STIs
- Am I at risk for getting an STI?
- How often should I get tested for STIs?
Questions about prevention and care
- What tests and screenings do I need each year? How often should I get a pap smear?
- Should I get the HPV vaccine?
- How do I prevent yeast infections and UTIs? What do I do if I get one of them?
- How do I perform a breast self-exam? When should I get my first mammogram?
Questions about sexual issues
- It hurts when I have sex. What can I do to help the situation?
- My sex drive has changed. Is there anything I can do about it?
If you notice an itch, a new smell, discharge, or a lump or bump, be sure to ask your doctor about those things ASAP.
Got questions for the gyno that are more about your fascination and curiosity than your health? Check out the book What’s Up Down There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend.
Stay well,
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